~ Chapter 35~

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Double updated!! Plus a bit more pain!

Shoto: 15
Asami: --

》 Two months Later 》
(It's actually 1 month in anime/manga. But I like drama so...)

Third pov

"Final exams are over and you're all going to the training camp." Aizawa announced making those that failed cry tears of joy.

However Shoto frowned. He wanted to go, he really did but, Asami had yet to awaken. It's been well over three months now the first semester is over and she's been asleep since halfway through the second month in the semester.

He visits her friends too. Momoko was paralyzed. Nagasaki lost feeling in her right hand and can no longer lift heavy things, she could barely write. Kazuo was depressed he had found his brother's drawing of the incident with notes. He knew it was coming but didn't understand the image fully. He was going to ask their parents about it when they got home that day. He also needed a support item to help him walk.

His legs were crushed but recoverable. Shoto noted that he also looked younger than ten. Turns out he got a slight hit from the blast and he de-aged by two years. He's eight now. He met Nobuko, she was just as much a wreak as Kazuo, she took it harder since she was perfectly fine and safe at home while her friends and twin were endangered and died. She had survivors guilt. Naoki lost a leg, all the nerves were severed. She doesn't even care for that she cared more about the friends she lost.

However Shoto realized that they were all still on edge waiting to hear of anything about their friends. They visited as much as their injuries allowed, parents too, they'd visit room by room just to hold their hands begging for at least one of them to wake up. He couldn't help but also want them to awaken. He had a week left before he went off to the remote training camp. He prayed she woke up before then.


It was day two in the week Shoto had off before he was off to summer camp. He was visiting Rei asking permission for her to visit Asami. She was literally in the hospital opposite of the pysch ward of the hospital.

While he was doing this the monitor in the tree kids room was off the charts. The parents of both boys freaked and pressed the red button to alert the doctors. One even ran into Asami's room to do the same as she had noticed Asami was reacting as well.

The first to shot up was Daiski Kichirou making his mother scream and run to him. He was dazed, unaware of his surroundings as his mind played catch up. When it did he became frantic, widened his eyes dripping onto his mother's hands.

"Kaa-san, Kaa-san! Where are the others?!"

"Oh honey there-" He didn't let her finish. His heart couldn't take it.

Where were his friends!? He got up begging the doctors to pull the IV from his arms or he'd do it himself. Not wanting to risk it they took out the drips. He was shaky he noted. He was also taller. Why did he feel like this?

"Kichirou please. There's some things we have to explain! And you can't move around yet!" His father pleaded but he shook his head.

"No..no I need to, I can feel them... I- they..." he couldn't describe it but he headed out the room. Sighing his father gave him support.

"Where to?" Daiski didn't understand why but he wanted to go into the room to his left. So he was guided there.

"Gomen ne, but you can't go in there!" A nurse frowned at the two at the door.

Daiski ignored her eyes on the sleeping form of a person he didn't know but his instincts told him he did. He moved subconsciously ignoring the nurses and doctors who tried not to push him out when they recognized him. They needed him out though otherwise- oh...

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