~ Chapter 7 ~

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Asami pov

"Don't wonder too far away Asami. You can look around to see what you like though." Fuyumi instructed.

"Hai!" I smiled going two vendors down to watch the crystal necklaces being sold.

Fuyumi and I went grocery shopping but having finished early Fuyumi decided to check out the market were lots of things were sold. From foods, to jewelry, clothes and the like. She thought it'd make me happy seeing as it was my first time. And I was! So many different things and people.

"Waa~! It's so pretty..." I muttered seeing a necklace that caught my attention. It was a beautiful silver snowflake necklace with sapphire gems in it.

Maybe nee-chan can buy it for me? I smiled turning to face where I last saw Fuyumi two stalls away but... she wasn't there.

"Yumi-neesan?" I called out thinking that someone was just blocking her from my short sight. But I got no answer. "Nee-san? Nee-san?!" I was beginning to panic.

Where did she go? Did someone take her?! Did I stray from her unknowingly!? Or did she!?

I started panicking as I went around looking for Fuyumi. If push come to shove I knew the basics of fighting and can hold off for a few minutes, but Fuyumi... Fuyumi can't fight! She's never fought with anyone other than Nasu-niisan when he tries to dodge doing homework.

I finally stopped running finding it strangely difficult to breathe. It was then I noticed the frost covering and burning my skin as my breath came out hot. I had unknowingly activated my quirk and in my panic it went a bit haywire. I stood straight taking deep breaths to calm myself in order to regain control over my quirk and-

"Hey kid, you're freezing up the place ya know." Someone had grabbed the back of my top and dragged me into a corner where there was little or almost no people.

As soon as we stopped I spun around to be met with a boy a bit older than or around Fuyumi's age. And I panicked more.

"Woah there snowflake, calm down. No one's going to hurt you." He held up his hand showing me burnt skin stapled together. Still I wasn't really calming down as the ice was starting to increase and burn more.

Flinching I heated my body up to try and melt it faster but with uneven breathing it was hard and I unintentionally used more ice than fire.

"Hey little snowflake. Look at me." I did and found myself staring into similar blue eyes to tou-san. The difference though, is that these eyes, held warmth. "Follow what I do..." he inhaled deeply and I followed.

We kept at this a few more times and I found that the frost on my body was gone only leaving pink skin and a few red ones indicating I got burnt slighty. The boy whistled eyebrows up.

"Never seen an ice quirk that burns someone. Learn something new every day huh, snowflake?" He chuckled.

"Arigatou!" I sighed hugging the boy. Instantly I felt his warmth. It was just as hot as tou-san's but yet so different. It was strange...but nice.

"Uhh..what are you doing?" My eyes widened and I pushed myself off the boy.

"Umm... gomen ne! Its just that you're warm- ah. No. I mean you helped me and well, I couldn't help myself from hugging you cause you felt like nii-chan- ah! What I meant was...nevermind..." I sighed in defeat knowing I made no sense.

"No, no. I wanna hear this. You couldn't help yourself from hugging me because I felt like...?" He smirked and I blushed looking down. So embarrassing...

"Like my anikis. Your warmth is like their's..."

"My warmth?"

"Um..my otousan has a fire quirk and I'm used to sensing warmth or coldness from a person... And well one of my anikis have a quirk that makes him cold to touch but when he hugs me I always feel warm. It's like a fire that's there to protect you. And you...your fire is as strong as my tou-san's but so much warmer, more comforting.."

It makes me feel safe as if I'm beside Shoto... I kept that thought to myself.

"Alright snowflake. You better return to your sister I think I just saw her looking for you. She's straight ahead." I smiled up at him nodding my head

"Arigatou na."

"No problem snowflake." He ruffled my hair before I spun and ran straight ahead. I easily caught sight of Fuyumi as the crowd had lessened. "Nee-san!" She spun around so fast that she probably gave the person next to her whiplash.

Once in reach Fuyumi dropped to the ground and we engulfed each other in hugs. She started sobbing softly as she held me in her arms. This made me cry too.

"Don't do that again nee-san! You scared me going off on your own!" I scolded her as we pulled back. She gave me a breathless laugh

"I scared you? Asami you gave me a heart attack when I couldn't find you. I was just about to call the police when you came up to me! Never do that again!" Fuyumi also scolded me

"You're the one who left!"

"I know.. I'm sorry. Shoto is going to kill me." We laughed at that.

"I'm right here. So he won't." Sighing Fuyumi pulled me back again her eyes going over me to see if I was injured or not.

"Oh no.. did you activate your quirk?" I nodded showing her my arms fully.

"I panicked when you were gone and I didn't realize I had my own actived. Gomen..."

"No no. It's okay. I'm just really happy you're safe. When we get home I'll heat some bath towels for you to help with the burns. Oh! Where did you buy that it's beautiful!" Fuyumi smiled lifting a necklace I supposedly bought.

Looking down I saw it was the snowflake necklace I was watching! I gaped, confused and shocked. How did I even get this!? I didn't buy it, nor would I ever steal it! The boy flashed through my mind to the moment I had hugged him. He probably used that moment to slip it on. No wonder he didn't push me off right away.

Should I say something..? I, don't know... hmm. But he seems so much like Shoto and Natsuo too. Argg! I'm confused! Whatever pretty necklace is mine now. Thank you mister fireboy.

"Can we go home now?" I asked changing the topic.

"Hai. Let's go!" Fuyumi stood lifting me into her arms "This way I won't lose you again." I smiled snuggling closer to her as she carried me to the awaiting car.


Third pov

Unknown to the Todoroki sisters, that same fireboy was watching them from the corner of an alley that gave him full veiw of the two girls. He watched the entire ordeal go down and couldn't help but smirk as he watched Todoroki Fuyumi.

Ah...so bright she is. Still full of hope too. How hasn't he crushed her hopes yet? Hmm, she had both quirks as well but I wonder....which side is she limited to? And from the looks of it she has the opposite of my problem. Ice burns her. He grinned a look in his eyes only he understood.

Ah...my little snowflake is so interesting! I was right to, she doesn't even know about her dearest older brother. he sighed, looking down at his hands that had been affected by her quirk. The frost and the cold from her quirk had seeped into him cooling him down.

And she's so innocent too... he smirked remembering how easily she hugged him in thanks. Once the girls got into the car and drove off, it was then he decided to disappear in the darkness of the alley.

"What to do...what to do...?" His voice echoed down the dark walls.

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