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Chapter thirty-eight; I'm a-

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The edge of the piece of parchment in Jasmine's hands was getting more and more crumpled and torn as she fiddled with it. She found that no matter how ruined the parchment got she always received it back in its original form not crumpled. She had no idea what charms Remus used for this but Jasmine was glad it was indestructible. She thought back at how many times she messed with the paper because she was thinking so hard of what to write Remus back, what reply would be suitable.

Like for example now only she didn't need to reply, she wanted to ask him something. Her leg was shaking nervously and she was biting her lip still deep in her thoughts. Since she was sitting on her bed in her dorm, Isla was right next to her and she rubbed her little head on Jasmine's arm. Jasmine looked down at the cat and softly scratched her behind her ears.

She hadn't seen Remus anywhere the previous day and she was worried. That is the main reason why she was so anxious now. She wanted to know if something happened because it was unusual for her to not see him at breakfast with his friends at his table. And at all meals too, at dinner even his three best friends were missing. She probably shouldn't worry that much but she couldn't help it. Petting Isla released some of that anxiousness before she finally made up her mind of what to write. She grabbed her quill again and scribbled a message for Remus.

Is everything alright? I didn't see you anywhere yesterday.

Vague enough and not full of emotions like she at first thought wanted to spill all over the paper. She then clasped the parchment and thought of him so it disappeared from her hand. Jasmine stared at her empty hand before she stood up with more devastating thoughts. Now she has to wait for his reply if he even will reply to her, and it made her even more nervous while she had to wait. She paced up and down the empty dorm fiddling with the sleeves of her jumper.

They weren't able to be alone ever since the night that they kissed and so they haven't even properly talked about that, other than Jasmine making up her mind that the friendship was far from over. Friendship? Jasmine thought furrowing her eyebrows, thinking what exactly they were. A kiss is a bit of a deal-breaker but not until you talk about it. And she really wanted to talk to Remus. Then something pinched her and she looked down at the pocket of her robes. She pulled out the folded parchment with a shaky hand.

Yeah, I just haven't been feeling very well.

That sounded a lot like what she heard from him before. The answer wasn't really descriptive and it didn't calm Jasmine down even a little. She then grabbed her wand off her bed and exited the dorm. The talk just by passing each other messages wouldn't be sufficient enough so she decided to find him. She had a pretty good idea where Remus would be, considering she found him there before. Her thoughts were going back and forth and before she knew it she was faced with the doors to the Hospital Wing.

She pushed it open to be met with a practically empty room except for one bed, which was hidden behind the privacy screen. Madame Pomfrey wasn't seen anywhere and Jasmine was already making up an excuse in her head if she came across her and if Remus wasn't there. As she advanced into the room still Pomfrey hasn't come out of her quarters which probably meant she was elsewhere in the castle. It was breakfast time so it would be only logical. Jasmine quietly stepped over to the curtain and moved it slightly to look behind it. Remus was sitting on the hospital bed, nose deep in a book. She smiled at the sight as he looked so peaceful in the quietness.

''Hey.'' She called out softly and stepped around the curtain.

Remus' head shot up in surprise when he heard her voice. He closed the book with a thud, immediately regretting that action as he hadn't marked where he left off. His eyes were filled with fear as Jasmine circled his bed and sat down on the chair that was beside the hospital bed. Remus sat straighter as he still couldn't comprehend she was actually here even if he never told her he was in the Hospital Wing.

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