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Chapter seventy-two; Full house

If you already forgot, everything that is written like this means that it's in Spanish.

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Jasmine watched as Lily dialled the sequence of random numbers on the red phone that was situated on the wall. They were still at James' house but it was a day after and Jasmine and Lily agreed that they need a bit more female company in the house. The testosterone was through the roof and who better to invite to the house than Robyn. Jasmine last heard from her through a letter just before she vanished from her own home but that was already a couple of days ago. Lily leaned away from the wall and put the receiver outward so both Jasmine and she could listen and speak. They both heard the ringing noise meaning the call was coming through.

''Brace yourself,'' Jasmine warned in a whisper.

''Why?'' Lily scrunched up her eyebrows.

Before Jasmine was able to answer, someone picked up the call on the other end and immediately a loud scream went through the receiver. Jasmine and Lily both leaned away to save their hearing and their sanity.

Another scream and a loud off telling in Spanish later someone said ''Hello?''

Lily looked sideways at Jasmine with raised eyebrows. Jasmine just nodded and spoke. ''Hi, Robyn!'' She recognised her voice. Although she and her mum had the same tone, Mrs Dixon had a bit more accented English than Robyn.

''Jasmine!'' Robyn's excited voice came through the speaker. ''Where are you calling me from? You don't have a phone in your home.''

''Potter's house. Lily is here with me.'' Jasmine answered and nodded again at Lily.

''Hi, Robyn!'' Another hi, came from Robyn back and Jasmine could imagine a smile appearing on her face as she heard the two of them after long weeks away from Hogwarts and not hearing each other.

She sensed another question coming their way from Robyn but instead, something crashed on the other side of the line. ''Leo! What the hell?'' That was followed by laughter and a child's voice saying something similar to a whine and Robyn's swearing.

Jasmine and Lily waited patiently for the things to sort out but it sounded a lot like chaos on the other end.

''What are you two doing at Potter's house?'' Robyn asked after a few moments, her voice sounding distressed.

''We're here with the rest of the Marauder's,'' Lily answered. ''You should join us.''

It was quiet for a while on the other end, and after a while, it was clear that Robyn was covering the receiver with her hand to muffle out the noise that was going on in their flat. ''I would love to, but I can't. Mama and Papa went on a two-day trip and left me the spawns of hell at home to take care of. Thanks for the invite.'' Her speaking was rushed and stressed out.

After another pause, she wanted to say something else. ''Listen, I –''

Then followed a long beeping sound. Jasmine looked curiously up at Lily. ''She hung up.'' The redhead determined.

Jasmine shook her head. ''One of her siblings did it for her as a joke.''

The two of them shared a long thoughtful look and almost at the same time they came to an idea, that being born from the crazy phone call they just had. They didn't let the sadness of Robyn not coming to James' house set in. Jasmine lead the way to the second floor of the house and didn't hesitate to go straight to the room where the four guys used to sleep in. They were all awake but all too lazy to get out of the bed so they still looked at the girls with wide eyes.

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