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Chapter sixty-one; Party games

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The sound of music filled the dorm after the door opened. Jasmine and Remus broke the kiss with wide eyes as panic spread through them faster than they could realise. The shades weren't drawn, Remus was literally on top of Jasmine and shirtless for that matter. The only thing keeping them away from the eyes of whoever just entered the room was the strategically placed bed, which couldn't be seen directly from the door unless you stepped further into the room and that meant they still haven't been spotted. Right with the music also came a pair of laughing voices or more so giggling. Jasmine moved away quickly, Remus finally letting her go. She slipped off the bed and landed on the other side away from the door with a rather loud thud.

''Moony?'' Came the voice not even a second after she hit the ground and laid flat, inching to hide under the bed. It was James who spoke and he sounded very surprised.

''Hey.'' Jasmine heard Remus' nervous voice.

The bed moved which meant that he finally stood from it. She could only imagine what was going on by the sounds and the voices. She sighed in relief when was finally safely under the bed avoiding any chance of being found if James decided to march to the other side of the door.

''What are you doing? And where's your shirt?'' This time it was Lily who asked the question.

Jasmine widened her eyes at the thought that James and Lily almost found them in here making out. Then her thoughts turned the other way as she realised that James and Lily – together just came to the room. She really wanted to know what they were up to and if they won't say it, she will get it out of Lily later.

''I uh- Someone bumped into me and I spilt my drink all over my shirt, I just came here to change.'' Remus quickly came up with an excuse, stammering through his words.

Jasmine crossed her fingers hoping they would buy it but she couldn't see their faces nor their reaction. A bit of silence passed through the room and the only thing that was heard was Remus probably shuffling around to get a new shirt.

''What are you two doing here?'' Remus asked next getting the attention off of him and was rather intrigued by seeing the two of them together.

''W-we were uh –'' James started awkwardly.

''Yeah, we...'' Lily repeated but failed to finish her sentence as well.

Jasmine listened to the silence that followed and pressed her hand over her mouth to stop herself from chuckling.

''We were just about to leave. Okay, bye!'' James finally said in a hurry.

Jasmine heard Remus chuckling and the two pairs of feet walking away. Then the door opened again and Jasmine heaved a long sigh of relief. She almost started to crawl from under the bed again when Lily spoke again before the door closed.

''Remus, have you seen Jasmine anywhere by chance?''

Jasmine stiffened under the bed.

''No,'' Remus answered simply.

A sound of confusion came out of Lily and then the door shut close finally.

''They left,'' Remus said and Jasmine was finally able to crawl out from underneath the bed.

She stayed low and sat on the ground leaning her back on the bed if in any case someone else decided to barge into the room. Remus joined her and sat down looking at her with his eyebrows slightly creased. Jasmine mirrored his expression and they held each other's glance before they started laughing.

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