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Chapter one; The Robin Hood

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The bag slinging off of her shoulders was filled to the brim with books as there were also a few heavier ones she had to carry in her hands. The books were pressed up against her chest and she gave off a vibe of a very studious and well-organized student. A totally false vibe it was. She never liked to read, she didn't exactly despise the books but somehow she always started dozing off while trying to skim her eyes over the black lines written on the pages. In addition, she loved hearing others read from books or tell stories. That way she peacefully laid, her eyes resting and her ears perked up listening to someone's voice. Although she would much rather carry a novel-like book to her dorm and beg her friend to read it, she was sadly carrying tons of literature for different subjects.

The library was crowded since all students started their years with resolutions to actually try and make some good effort in their studies. So she opted for carrying all her work material back to her dorm, where peace and quiet were always present and she could effectively study. She was one of those students as well, trying so hard at the beginning but slowly lacking interest and energy while the year progressed. She told herself that she would change things during her sixth year and at the same time she pressed a little voice saying that she's lying to the very back of her mind.

She was just rounding a corner when her book bag started to slip down her shoulder. She only noticed it because it set pain straight up to her head, her hair being stuck underneath the strap. Her eyes travelled through the corridor searching for help, otherwise, the bag would make her drop everything she was holding, making an unwanted scene in the middle of the day.

She spotted a familiar head of red hair and she mustered up the most miserable look she could until the green-eyed girl spotted her as well. The mop of red hair swayed through the air as she ran to aid her friend. Lily grabbed the bag holding it in her hands as she swept away strands of brown hair from the girl's shoulder.

''Thank Merlin you have me, huh Jasmine?'' A playful smile appeared on Lily's face as Jasmine couldn't show anything else than gratefulness. The redhead's eyes then switched between her friend and to the bag she was currently holding. Her eyebrows creased and she raised her curious glance back up.

''It's the first week, do you plan to finish the year early?'' She asked motioning to all the books in their hands.

Jasmine shook her head with a sheepish smile. ''I said I'll try better this year, but the weight of this bag already made me feel sorry for myself and the professors are just loading up more work, you know how it is.''

Lily quirked her eyebrow up at the statement 'I'll try better'. She heard that every year with no change. Then her eyes glinted a little which meant the redhead got some sort of an idea. Jasmine already motioned her hand for Lily to start voicing her idea, knowing the look well. ''You can come with me to the common room and we can do some work together.''

The smile on Lily stretched from ear to ear. Jasmine tried to mirror it, although, to a keen eye, hers held a bit of a sorrowful turn. She had nothing against studying with Lily but her plans were already set in her own cosy dorm and the Gryffindor common room was never a much peaceful and quiet place for them to do any of the work.

Jasmine slowly shook her head declining the suggestion, muttering a quiet 'thank you, though'. Her face immediately cringed at the flash of hurt crossing Lily's expression. The redhead tried to persuade Jasmine in agreeing to as many study sessions because she wanted to help with the usual late handed assignments of the brunette. The hurt was quickly masked with a small smile as she spoke. ''Okay, another time then.''

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