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Chapter seventeen; Gossip in the Marauders' room

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Darkness fell upon Hogwarts along with millions of stars and a very bright moon, though not quite full yet. It was late and the whole of Hogwarts fell into their nightly routine. As did also the infamous room of the Marauders. It wasn't exactly the same for them every single night, but tonight they would comment it felt nothing out of the ordinary.

Remus entered their room after another round of patrolling and tiredly dropped himself on the bed. Peter was already tucked in, probably only waiting for the lights to go out so he could sleep, which also probably won't happen for at least a while. Sirius was standing by the door of the bathroom his fist clenched together and raised against the wood.

He was shooting daggers at the door and it was no question he was angrier at the person inside and he just finished yelling at him to scram out. James was taking a rather long needed shower after late Quidditch practice while singing loudly. It irked Sirius even more. Remus chose to ignore the loud off the tune singing coming from behind closed doors or the occasional growl which emitted from Sirius.

He sighed and discarded the dirty sweater from his body and put the prefect pin safely on the bedside table. Then he laid flat on his stomach and leaned over the edge of the bed to pick up a book. He only tried to busy his mind even though he knew that will be hard to do. Turning to the page he last marked he propped his chin on a pillow and skimmed the page quickly. The lock on the bathroom door sounded and brought Remus' attention to the pair who were now standing eye to eye.

James with a beaming smile and a pile full of dirty Quidditch attire balled up in his hands against a very impatient and glaring Sirius. The two passed each other without unnecessary words said out loud and then the door shut loudly. Remus groaned to himself and buried his head into the pillow. Tiredness overcame him after a few quiet minutes and he already decided that it was worth not undressing and falling asleep face-first into the pillow.

''Moony you alright?''

And the plan failed. Remus let out a long breath before pressing both palms on the mattress and pushing his body in an upright position. He turned around to face the rest of the room his face staying solemn. Peter moved to the edge of his bed his face holding concern. Remus nodded to answer the question not adding any other explanation to it.

Though the boys were close and cared for each other most times they didn't pry each other for information. If one showed he didn't want to talk, they left it at that. Again most times. The bathroom door opened widely and out stepped freshly showered Sirius with his hair tied back in a low bun. He stopped in the doorway looking upon his three friends, who were blankly looking at each other.

The raven-haired boy quirked up one of his eyebrows and slowly strode to his bed. The questioning glance transformed into a confused one until he noticed Remus' expression.

''What's wrong?'' Sirius asked pulling a shirt over his previously bare torso.

Remus excessively rolled his eyes and leaned back on the pillows. ''Nothing.'' Sirius shared a look with James, who shrugged with half of a frown.

Only a few days were left before the full moon and all three went easy on him, though he very rarely acted out so early on. Sirius purposely dismissed the option he was moody because of the full moon and a knowing smile tugged at his lips. He shared another look with James who only looked at him weirdly, failing to detect what was on his mind.

''Girl trouble Rem?''

Now James smirked as well and scooted to the end of his bed.

''No,'' Remus grumbled after a few moments.

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