𝚘𝚗𝚎 𝚑𝚞𝚗𝚍𝚛𝚎𝚍 𝚏𝚘𝚞𝚛𝚝𝚎𝚎𝚗

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Chapter one hundred fourteen; Expect the unexpected

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The windows on the abandoned tea shop at the very end of Hogsmeade village were bolted up with planks of wood. A few of them were loose and hanging poorly down, while rusted nails were sticking out everywhere. The parts of the windows that showed were layered with dust so thick one couldn't see anything inside. The tarp above the front door was faded and torn. The only fairly well-kept thing on the house was the door, which looked like it was actually functional.

''Are you ready?'' Remus squeezed Jasmine's hand as their eyes kept raking over the old-looking house.

Jasmine squeezed it back but couldn't offer a smile of comfort. ''I think so.''

It all looked a bit too much suspicious and creepy, but this was not the time to back down. The pair already made an excuse to their friends as to where they are going and Jasmine talked herself into this the night before, so they had to go in. Whether this was an ambush or not they have still yet to find out.

Jasmine took a step forward and pushed at the heavy-looking old door. It moved with a creak and sent a bit of dust flying in the air around it, making Jasmine wave a hand in front of her and squint her eyes. The inside of the house was exactly as she imagined – nearly empty and full of dust. She refrained from coughing due to the thick air as her eyes adjusted to the darker atmosphere. They stepped into the first room which probably used to be the selling part of the store with the front desk and a bunch of shelves behind it.

Jasmine felt a nudge and curiously looked at Remus who then pointed further down the room to a closed wooden door. She stiffened at seeing a snippet of light coming from beneath it. In the dark, she searched for Remus's hand and she grabbed it tightly as he led the way to the door. Both had wands at the ready in case anything happened. Jasmine tugged at Remus' hand for him to wait as she stepped up beside him.

''Hello?'' She yelled at the door.

There was a scraping noise on the other side of the door and a second later footsteps followed. Jasmine stole a quick glance at Remus, fear present in her eyes and not surprisingly she didn't find any other emotion in him as well. The door creaked open slowly, letting a pool of light flow into the room the two were in as a dark figure appeared directly in front of them. Jasmine squinted her eyes to make out the figure, which weirdly enough wasn't in any way trying to attack them. Or this was just a ploy to distract them before the attack. But not long after, Jasmine widened her eyes and let go of Remus' hand at the familiar silhouette.

''Mum!'' Jasmine stepped forward and fell into her mum's embrace.

''Oh, Jasmine sweetie.''

Jasmine wound her arms even tighter around her mum and squeezed her eyes shut at the calm sound of her voice. She knew she missed her but she could never imagine in her head how their reunion would actually feel. It was all the emotions at once, she was happy to see her but she wanted to cry, she was surprised but at the same time very glad this was actually her mum and not a set-up. She also wanted to be angry because her mum just disappeared but that would make her guilty since she left for her own protection. She wanted to be angry for not ensuring her safety beforehand.

Mrs Pearson, well she wasn't Mrs Pearson anymore, Aleah released from the hug and took Jasmine's face between her hands. ''Look at you. My beautiful girl.''

Her eyes flickered over her daughter a few times and then the person next to her caught her attention, making her smile drop, but just for a second. Jasmine immediately caught on to her mother's look and turned her head to Remus.

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