𝚘𝚗𝚎 𝚑𝚞𝚗𝚍𝚛𝚎𝚍 𝚜𝚒𝚡

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Chapter one hundred six; Confiding conversation

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It was later in the day when Jasmine woke up completely delirious, with no sense of what time it was or where she was. It took her brain another couple of minutes to wake up properly after she opened her eyes. She sighed loudly and stared at the canopy above her. The classes haven't finished yet, but she had no energy to get up and attend them. Having Lily advise her to take a day off felt great. Jasmine couldn't remember when the last time was, she took a day off. She constantly seems to be studying or preparing for something, or if she does pause for a little while she's always worrying about something else. This time it actually wasn't any different, her mind was still occupied with worries, sadly the worst ones so far.

With a lot of dread, she slid off the bed and changed clothes before deciding to go out of the dorm. She had to do something, otherwise, she could pull her hair out with so much thinking. Before she left she checked herself in the mirror to see if she didn't look like she had a total mental breakdown. It doesn't matter if it was true, but other people didn't need to notice that in the split second when they saw her. Jasmine walked out of the dorm and out of Hufflepuff's common room without really making her mind up where she wanted to go. She just roamed the halls randomly since most students were still in classes.

Her subconscious must have been working instead of her because when she raised up her head from looking at the floor all the time she was met with a door to a classroom. It was slightly ajar, and no sound was coming from within which meant that the classroom was empty. Jasmine peeked inside and saw Smirnitsky sitting behind the professor's desk, a stack of papers to his left and a quill in his right hand. He must have been grading some papers, yet he was hardly concentrated on it. Jasmine pushed the door wider and stepped in, making the professors' head snap up when the door shut close behind her.

''Hello, Jasmine.'' He greeted her and immediately dropped the quill from his hand. ''We missed you in class this morning.''

Jasmine timidly approached the desk at the front of the class. ''Yeah, I'm sorry, I –''

''Don't worry, Lily already excused you, she said that you weren't feeling quite well.''

Smirnitsky's light eyes studied Jasmine. ''Are you feeling any better?''

Jasmine nodded immediately, but by the look on Smirnitsky's face he didn't quite believe her. So, she sighed and leaned on one of the desks in the front row, facing the professor with a lot more saddened expression.

''What seems to be troubling you? I already pieced together that you weren't really ill to miss a class.''

Jasmine wasn't even surprised when he read her that well. She figured she wore all the nightmares in her mind on her face and even though she was pale, she wasn't sickly pale. She wondered why Smirnitsky hadn't asked her why she came to the classroom right now. If he did ask her though, she would have no idea what to answer. She didn't know why she came, maybe to confide to someone, or to have a more grown-up talk without all the fake 'everything is going to be alright' sentences that Lily and Robyn were giving her. Smirnitsky seemed to be a good address for that.

''It's some unimportant drama, it's completely ridiculous.'' Suddenly Jasmine felt stupid for even thinking she could confide in him. She ran her mind over what actually happened and again she couldn't believe how ridiculous it sounded. But it was real, and it was a situation she still had to solve.

''If it had you in bed all day then it must have been pretty important,'' Smirnitsky said calmly. He leaned with his forearms on the desk and looked at her sincerely and ready to listen to whatever she had to say.

Chocolate Covered Strawberries [Remus Lupin]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora