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Chapter fifty-six; Moonlight

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For the rest of their time, Jasmine and Gabriel talked about things they might have in common and other random topics. An overall take for Jasmine was that she finally saw Gabriel in a new light knowing he wasn't influenced by William in any sort of way. And while she was able to complain about William as much as she wanted he also had some very nice things to say about him that he learned through the years of friendship he had with him. Jasmine took all the information in and almost couldn't believe that William could act human, but ever since Gabriel was talking to her she started noticing it as well. Of course, the fight she had with her cousin was a big setback but on the plus side, he didn't talk to her ever since.

By the time they were walking back to Hogwarts, the sun was slowly setting illuminating the sky in deep beautiful orange colour. Jasmine was keeping her hands deep in her light coat emitting any chance of Gabriel accidentally bumping his hand with hers and grabbing hers. She maybe never was on a date before but she knew all the clichés that can happen.

Jasmine was feeling guilty. Guilty that she had to admit she had a great time, Gabriel was very easy to talk to and made her laugh on occasion as well. While constantly only one person was sitting at the back of Jasmine's mind. She knew what she was doing was wrong and she had every intention of letting Gabriel know, without actually telling him that she has a boyfriend. Again she was so engrossed in her own thoughts that she barely realised they were back by the entrance of the school. Gabriel stopped and turned a little so he was facing Jasmine. Jasmine looked up from the ground and smiled at him awkwardly as both kept silent.

Jasmine searched for good parting words that would leave all of it on a good note. ''Thank you, I had a great time.'' She said smiling at Gabriel lightly.

He returned the smile and nodded to himself. His hands were buried in the pockets of his pants as he slowly rocked on his heels trying to say something as well. ''Yeah, me too. I hope we can do this again, soon.'' He said without a hint of doubt in his voice.

Jasmine widened her eyes a fraction and nearly took a step back. She didn't know what she was thinking, she should've expected a suggestion like that. Suddenly her whole mind went blank as she tried to utter out a proper reply to that. As a result of her thinking, she left Gabriel standing there, delving into his own thoughts and regretting asking anything at all. He thought he was too straightforward while Jasmine was repeating to herself that she never found herself in a weirder situation.

She didn't under no circumstances want to hurt Gabriel's feeling but she also couldn't keep leading him on. She had to let him down in some way or another and she dreaded the moment she will see the disappointment on his face. Gabriel was always so nice to her and she hated that now she's going to be a person to do the worst thing to a guy right after a date.

''Gabe,'' She said sincerely though her face was only portraying guilt. ''I really like your company, you are a very nice person and a good listener and I appreciate that. I don't want to lose this but at the same time I feel like I'm not quite accustomed to this dating thing, I'm really sorry, I-''

By the end of her rant, Jasmine began to splutter with words and she fastened her speech getting nervous. She really wasn't good with serious things and hated to hurt people in any sort of way, especially if the person did absolutely nothing wrong.

''Jasmine, it's okay,'' Gabriel said calmly interrupting her jumble of words, with some strain to his voice. 

Her eyes snapped up at his words and she searched his face for the emotions. Even though he was probably trying to keep all of it off her face she could at least hear in his voice that she did indeed hurt him with what she said. 

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