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Chapter eleven;  If only she knew what I am

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To say that Jasmine was starting to feel overwhelmed was an understatement. Homework was loading up, projects needed to be handed in and exams were scheduled. Jasmine being Jasmine, all of that was the least of her worries. Well, she did feel slightly guilty for not spending her time revising despite the constant pleases from Robyn and Lily. It only made her feel more nervous for the upcoming exam she had in Charms and she was nowhere near getting a good grip of what they were learning in class.

The most she had to worry was about William. His 'can I get a word with you' talks with her were getting more frequent and the talks were far from normal. They were warnings or threats even. Some would say he had this 'cousinly' love towards her and he rather warned her of her behaviour before he would tell her parents about it.

But Jasmine knew he was only doing it for his own pleasure of having an upper hand. The last threat was about the rumour of the Gryffindor party when he found out she was a part of it. She tried to convince him that people were delusional and hardly everyone remembered much from it but he wouldn't have it. He left her standing in the middle of an empty hallway, gulping down hardly, tears ready to spill since she knew what he was going to do next.

From that morning on Jasmine dreaded the morning mail but still, none has arrived for her. She couldn't wait for this school year to be over which only meant William would disappear from Hogwarts forever and wouldn't bother her anymore. This particular morning though she hurried, as much as she could, up to the hospital wing. She opened the heavy door open and immediate cries of pain filled her ears.

She scanned the room with her eyes seeing at least three beds completely surrounded with curtains preventing her from seeing who happened to be in so much pain. Her steps were nearing the end of the room where Madame Pomfrey's station was situated. The nurse was nowhere in sight and Jasmine's eyes darted around while waiting. Then one of the curtains nearest to Jasmine moved and Pomfrey appeared. Her face was washed with relief when she saw the light brunette standing there.

''Oh, good Miss Pearson you're here.'' The nurse closed the little distance and pushed a bowl with something herbal smelling inside and cloth in Jasmine's hands.

The student was sometimes asked, as a prefect, to come and help in the infirmary so Madame Pomfrey knew well to trust Jasmine with something.

''A student was just brought in with broken bones and needs to be tended to immediately. Could you help clean some cuts and I'll be right with you?'' Pomfrey held Jasmine's by the shoulders momentarily and waited for her to nod.

Once she did, Pomfrey pointed to the curtain she just came from and motioned Jasmine to go there, whereas the nurse disappeared to the screaming kid on the other side. Jasmine wore a panic-stricken face as she took a few steps to the bed. She moved the curtain away and stepped inside.

That's when her eyes widened even more at the sight of Remus laying there. She froze on the spot not able to move any limb further, the curtain closing behind her. He was unconscious laying there, scars littered everywhere on his body. Some looked old, a bit faded but still there, some looked very new and fresh. It was only then that Jasmine took his whole appearance in.

She had the knowledge of the mysterious scars on his hands and face but they kind of disappeared the moment she looked into his eyes. Now more than ever she was curious about the story behind them. Once she overcame the initial shock she timidly sat on the edge of the bed and placed the bowl in her lap. She dipped the cloth in the mixture and raked her eyes again over Remus's body.

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