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Chapter seventy-seven; Dinner

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Four very loud bangs on the door resonated through Jasmine's bedroom. Jasmine sighed and buried her head deeper into a tear-soaked pillow. The curtains were shut and the only source of light was a very narrow slip in the window that wasn't covered by them. Since there was no clock on any of the walls, Jasmine couldn't tell what time in the day it was, she only guessed it had to be the afternoon. She was permanently locked into her room with nothing to do, having no life whatsoever. She cried herself to sleep ever since the first night, her exits out of the room were even forbidden for family dinners. Tinker or Tasha had to bring food up to her room and leave before she would open the door so that none of the elves could help her. Mr Pearson even stopped trusting the elves and Jasmine hoped that the two didn't have any consequences. The food and dinners didn't really matter to her, she lost her appetite completely, feeling like she's in prison and not in her home.

''Jasmine!'' William shouted from the other side of the closed door.

Jasmine rolled her eyes and didn't answer. William was probably there to taunt her or to be annoying as always. Because she didn't answer, William banged on the door more. ''Are you ready to go?''

Jasmine slowly raised up into a sitting position on the bed, eyes staring at the door. Ready to go where? She asked herself and almost dismissed this as another one of William's jokes that only he thinks it's funny. Despite the dark room, Jasmine picked up movement and noticed Isla, back in the black cat form, moving across the floor before she stopped in front of a letter and sniffed at it. That's when it dawned on Jasmine what William was trying to ask her. She groaned loudly and laid back on her bed, covering her face with a pillow.

''I don't know if Mr and Mrs Fawley are going to like that their future daughter-in-law will be late,'' William said in a sing-song voice outside her room.

A few days ago Jasmine, along with William, was invited to a dinner with Fawleys. No, that sounded a bit wrong. There was a dinner arranged with them by her father and now she's being forced to go.

''I told you already, I'm not going!'' Jasmine shouted through her pillow, not caring if William heard her or not.

The last thing she wanted now was to engage in useless conversation as her father wanted. Sure she had no problem seeing Talisa again since she was the only reasonable person in that family. Seeing Gabriel on the other hand, made Jasmine want to disappear, he wasn't on her list of favourites anymore. She didn't understand why the dinner was necessary but she guessed it was one of the customs for future in-laws even though she despised that idea.

''I can call dad up here if you want me to!'' William said with an obvious evil tone.

Jasmine threw the pillow away from her face and pushed up into a sitting position on her bed. Her widened eyes stared at the closed door and she didn't even hesitate for a second to jump out of her bed and open the curtains on her window. Last week she wouldn't react in such a way to William's taunts and her mind unwillingly went back to what happened.

First, she thought that he was just threatening and was all talk and no bite but then her father actually came up from his office, footsteps thumping on the stairs loudly. Jasmine only managed to turn to the door when the door opened with a slam as it hit the wall beside it but Jasmine had her wand at the ready. She told him that she's of age now and that she can use magic and isn't afraid of him, even though her voice was wavering when she was saying those things. Her dad only replied with a humourless laugh as he sent her wand flying from her hand with one sweep of his own. So much for defence for Jasmine, she knew only so little having no Defence Against the Dark Arts for over a year.

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