𝚘𝚗𝚎 𝚑𝚞𝚗𝚍𝚛𝚎𝚍 𝚝𝚠𝚎𝚕𝚟𝚎

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Chapter one hundred twelve; The secret talk in the secret room

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Jasmine once again found herself awake in the middle of the night roaming the halls. A bit of nostalgia hit her as she was crossing a familiar path to the kitchens. It has been a long time since she last baked at night. Last she remembers probably either Sirius or Remus was with her and then all of their lives got so much more busy and complicated they simply had no time for midnight hangouts anymore. Gradually though Jasmine got to spend many more hours doing things that would primarily be done during the day, as her insomnia was preventing her from getting some shut eye. So, she took advantage of the night hours for her hobbies, she gave up on studying long ago even though NEWTs were getting scarily closer.

The art of walking soundlessly through the halls still hadn't left Jasmine and it brought a small smile to her face when she thought of the number of nights sneaking around and never being caught. That smile quickly disappeared as she felt a strong pull on her forearm by a seemingly invisible force and was thrown towards the wall. She let out a shriek but instead of feeling the impact she passed right through.

Jasmine found herself in one of the many dark secret passages and by hearing another person breathing, she knew she wasn't alone. Only one person used to do that exact same thing, pull her into the secret hallway, away from prying eyes just for a chance to talk.

Her fast-beating heart slowly calmed down and she let out a breathless chuckle. ''My god, you scared me, Rem.''

She felt for the wand in the pocket of her coat and didn't hesitate to light up the dark hallway. Then a gasp emitted her lips and she took a step back, her back hitting the wall. ''You're not Remus.''

''Clearly,'' Regulus answered that obvious observation.

Jasmine stared at him wide-eyed and open-mouthed as she was at a loss for words. The shock coursing through her veins made her stammer as she tried to make sense of what was happening. ''Reg–ulus...? Wha – ? I –?''

''Come.'' He said and walked deeper down the secret passageway.

Jasmine's feet were stuck to the ground and she only followed him with her eyes as far as she could in the dim light. She thought he was going to call for her or yell at her to move but the only thing she heard was the echo of his receding footsteps. She looked to the left where she came from the main hallway and then into the darkness on the right. A low grumble emitted from her throat and she followed after Regulus, more confused than actually curious about what was going on. She jogged a bit to catch up with him, nearly tripping on the uneven ground of the narrow corridor.

''Where are we going?'' She asked, staring at the back of his black curly head. He didn't answer.

The reason behind Jasmine's continuous change of emotion from shock and surprise, to confusion is because of the lack of interaction she shared with the younger Black boy. The only time she actually talked to him was when they collided in the middle of a hallway and both apologised for it. Everything else she only saw him standing by quietly and not speaking, much like he was acting right now.

Another gasp escaped Jasmine as she distinctly heard a door shut loudly behind her. She had no clue they had entered a room since everywhere they walked was dark. Her head turned around and she squinted in the darkness trying to make out where they were and which part of the castle this was. Slowly but surely the room began brightening, the source of that being the candles Regulus was lighting up. Jasmine wearily turned around and observed the small empty space in which she just realised she was locked in with the last person she ever thought of.

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