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Chapter forty-five; The secret passageway

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Remus' head was propped up by his hand as he was blankly staring at the notes on the table in front of him. He had to keep pinching himself to be awake because History was incredibly boring at that time and also he had trouble sleeping at night which only worsened the situation. He let out a deep sigh and leaned back in his chair. James who was sitting next to him, boringly flipped through the book without much attention for the actual class.

Remus let his eyes wander around the classroom until they settled on a figure seated two seats in front of him and to the right. Some students could not fight the sleep that was seeping in and that was proved by Jasmine. She had the book slid to the very edge of the desk, her hands on it and her head on her hands with closed eyes. Remus smiled to himself as he saw the peaceful expression on her face as she could be less bothered by the actual class. Robyn next to her was actually taking notes of whatever the professor was saying.

Then an idea popped into his head as he brought the piece of parchment from his pocket and picked up his quill. To avoid any suspicion he pulled the thick book closer to himself to hide that he is writing not his notes, but a message on a smaller piece of parchment.

I take it you're catching up on some lost sleep from last night.

Remus closed the parchment flat against the table as his eyes settled on Jasmine again. In a few moments, the parchment disappeared and he knew she'll feel it when she receives it. As if on cue Jasmine opened her eyes and raised her head slowly up from the table. She dug her hand in the pocket of her robes and pulled out the parchment. She silently slid back in her chair and opened it under the table. Remus couldn't see her reaction as she was facing away but it didn't take her long before she started writing something on the piece of paper, away from Robyn's eyes. The parchment appeared back in Remus' pocket and he didn't waste time to look at it.

You should know about it. And thank you really for waking me up seconds ago, I hold it dear to my heart that you think listening about history is better than napping.

Remus sensed heavy use of sarcasm in the last sentence Jasmine wrote. His eyes watched her again as she was now sitting back but she didn't so much as a glance back at him. That would be really noticeable and they had to keep everything to a minimum. The fact that they were both sleepy was because they spend a lot of time messaging each other from their dorms the previous night. The talk just didn't stop and neither remembers who sent the last message as both fell asleep. With a smile on his face, Remus wrote back.

I care about your education young lady. It is of the most importance that we hear which wizard died a century ago.

It was usually mainly mockery and jokes with their messages. Remus observed how Jasmine shook her head when she read what he wrote.

I deserve to have a nap, after all, I have the best tutor there is in all of Hogwarts.

Remus bit his lip looking at the words that started to disappear on the parchment. His eyes travelled to the right again and this time Jasmine had her head subtly turned to the left. Momentarily their eyes locked before she turned to the front again. It took Remus some time to respond as he had no idea what else to say.

You look cute when you sleep.

He didn't know if he was too forward but once the parchment disappeared from his hand it was already too late to reconsider. Jasmine unravelled the message and her eyes skimmed over the words. She pressed her lips together as an immediate smile started appearing on her features. She turned her head slightly to the left and Remus saw that blush was starting to form on her cheeks. He toned down the smile on his face as it must've been weird if anyone would see him smiling to himself like that. Or they would question the reason behind it.

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