Just talking ( nothing important)

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You will get one chapter today, I don't know how long it will be.

Am honestly an over thinker, who else?

Maybe that's why I can't talk to people cause I over think to much. It's just who I am. Cause my favorite brother
Got himself a girlfriend, and I am just thinking that he won't talk to me anymore. Cause he's to busy. And when I talk to people I am afraid of what I will say.

But anyways, what's y'all zodiac sign?

Am a Gemini, i feel like am nothing like a Gemini. I don't talk about people behind there back, cause I always feel so guilty. And I never talk bad about people, cause i don't know what that person is going thew.

But Anyways, what I think about the zodiac signs- ( this is just from my experience)
This list is just the people I have met with the signs

Aries- I love Aries, my brother is an Aries and so is BadBoyHalo. And my cousins

Sagittarius- I have met a few  but they are the kindest people I have met
Honestly they have the kindest hearts.

Cancers- have met 2 cancers,the 1st cancer i met was the most self centered person, makes everyone get up and get their things. Asked for money everyday, at the same time I don't know what they have been through so I can't say anything.. but still,
But the second cancer I met was a kind one, she was really nice love her sense in humor.

Aquarius- my mother is an Aquarius, and I love her so much. But my
ex friend is an Aquarius, and I don't like her cause she talked behind my back 3 times every school year, even after I helped her. But I still talk to her.

Pisces- all of my friends are Pisces, and they the most funnest people to be around, I had lots of bad experiences with them. But I had more good memories, but when Pisces  hate someone, they will tell them. Or when someone is being annoying they will tell them. Maybe it's just the people I have been around

Virgos- ehhhh there are ok, I only met two people and they are alright.

Scorpio- I have met one, and honestly the funniest person. ( Scorpio 1)
Update : We have become really closed and I'm dating them and we call each other every night. I love them . (Scorpio 1)
Update:  we broke up ;( . (Scorpio 1)
ANYWAYS I have recently Met another Scorpio (Scorpio 2) super dope person
Update: we're dating, he's honestly the sweetest. He actually treats me like a person. I love him so much, he always understand me and is so kind. (Scorpio 2)
Update: me and that Scorpio broke up  also, (Scorpio 2)
Update: we got back together <333
(Scorpio 2)

Taurus- I have met a few they are have an interesting personality. But I get along with them well, and am ok with them. They are kind

Leo- I have meet one of them and that's my cousin, she was mean to me. But we bonded well and I miss her.

Libra- they are ok, but I feel like they are mean. Maybe it's just from my experience.

I have met a lot of people but I don't know there signs, so if you your zodiac signs isn't here sorry.

Buts anyways am going to go write.

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