Chapter 35

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this is a cute chapter so enjoy!
3rd pov
/————-few weeks later————-/

" Zak!!" Darryl yelled, " what?" Zak whined " don't stack the doxes!" Darryl yelled, Zak was on a ladder with a card board box in his hands. He was making a tower with well... cardboard boxes
" but why!" Zak asked, Zak placed the last box on top of the tower. " there!!" Zak threw his hands into the air.  Zak rocked back and fourth " ahhh!" Zak tried to keep his balance. The ladder rocked back and fourth, Darryl ran to the ladder and grabbed it. He settled the ladder down, Zak fixed his balance.

Zak laughed " thanks" Darryl shook his head " get down from there dummy" Darryl pleaded, Zak nodded he slowly and carefully went down the ladder.
Darryl ran to him and hugged him
" you should be careful dummy" Darryl said, Zak laughed. Zak hugged back,
" i will" Zak replied, Darryl let go of the hug. He poked Zak on the nose " let's set up your room" Darryl walked away
Zak ran after " hey!! You aren't allowed to poke my nose!!" Zak yelled, "welll I already did it!!! So it's to late  now!" Darryl teased, Darryl ran into Zak room and closed the door. Zak banged on the door " this isn't allowed!! This my room!" Zak yelled from the other side.

Darryl laughed, " yell.. now it's my room!"  Darryl answered, Darryl laid on zaks bed. Zak got out a key, he opened his bedroom door. " hey! What are you doing on my bed idiot!" Zak ran to Darryl, Zak jumped on Darryl. Zak was on top of Darryl. Darryl had a flushed face " uh... z-zak" Darryl covered his face. Zak started to tickle Darryl " ahhh zak!! S-Stop" Darryl laughed, he tried to push off Zak.
But Zak kept on tickling Darryl.

Darryl had enough so he pushed Zak of and, pinned Zak onto the bed by his wrist. " I won" Darryl said playfully
Darryl got of and laid next to Zak
" h-how do you always win!!" Zak yelled, suddenly they heard a loud crash coming from the living room.
Darryl got up quickly and ran to the living room. Leaving Zak behind,
" what's going on!" Zak asked loudly,
" your dumb card box tower fell!!" Darryl replied, Zak huffed " it's not dumb" he mumbled, he crossed his arms.

" am back" Darryl got cut of. he spotted Zak with his arms crossed and with is adorable grumpy face " aww, what's wrong?" Darryl asked, Zak shook his head. He didn't want to answer Darryl, he gave him the silent treatment.
" is it because I called your  tower dumb?" Darryl used his baby voice,
Zak slowly nodded. Darryl walked up to Zak and gave him a hug. " I didn't mean to~~" Darryl teased, Zak pushed him of. Zak shook his head, Darryl sighed " If your going to be a big baby about it, am going to my room" Darryl smirked, he knew very well what he was doing

" noo~~~ don't leave!" Zak whined, he put his hands up waiting for a hug from Darryl. " nope" Darryl turned away from Zak. Zak started to sniffle, "PLEASE" Zaks voice cracked, Zak faked cried. " Noo!! Don't cry!" Darryl turned around and came running towards Zak. Darryl gave him a hug, Zak hugged back, he smirked.

They where just hugging each other, for a while now. They both enjoyed each other's company, after all that happened between them. They are now closer then ever before it just took a few weeks for them to get as close as they are now.  Darryl phone vibrated, " don't answer it, ignore it" Zak told him " but what if it's an emergency!" Darryl asked, Darryl phone kept on vibrating. " ugh! Fine you can answer it" Zak gave in, Darryl got out his phone and to see a message from..

Will, " who is it?" Zak asked, Zak got Curious to who has messaged his friend.Zak tried to look over Darryls shoulder, Darryl noticed what Zak was doing. " it's from Will" Darryl showed Zak his phone screen , zaks smile turned into a frown. " what does he want?" Zak said with clear distaste in his voice, " why... do you want to know?Darryl teased, Darryl giving a smirk.

" it's not like that!!" Zak yelled, Zak got up for the bed and walked out of his room. Zak walked into the kitchen getting out a few snacks. They barely just moved into this brand new house of theirs, so there will be a lot of unpacking to do. Zak munched on some chips quiet loudly, to well get Darryl To notice him and give him the attention he craved. Zak kept on doing this to every chip he ate, but nothing worked, Darryl wasn't coming out of zaks  room.Zak just thew his chips onto the counter and marched to zaks room

" ya! We can meet up there, see you then!" Darryl spoke loudly, Zak stopped in his tracks. ' is he meeting up with Will?' Zak thought to himself. Zak pocked his head out, he tried to see what Darryl was doing. " Zak I can see you" Darryl laughed, Zak jumped and hid behind the wall. Darryl got up slowly and walked to the door Frame. Darryl knew Zak was on the left of him.. so he had a plan.

" boo!!" Darryl jumped out, the sudden noice made Zak scream. Zak tried punched Darryl, but luckily missed.
" you scared me!!" Zak yelled, Darryl started to laugh. Zak just stood there looking at Darryl laughing. " it's not funny" Zak growled, Darryl whipped a tear away " that was the funniest thing ever!! You scream like a girl and you tried —- to h-hit me and YOU MISSED!!" Darryl laughed, Zak giggled. He loved to see Darryl this happy, it made him happy.

Darryl whipped his tears away, he cleared his throat. Darryl smiled at Zak, Zak turned his head " Darryl.." Zak smiled, Darryl noticed the smile.
" aww! Your smiling!" Darryl pointed and Zak, " shush!" Zak crossed his arms, Darryls phone vibrated. He checked, " I have to go now, see you later!" Darryl ran out of the house.

Zak looked at the front door , Questioning if he should follow Darryl... or we'll stay home and wait for Darryl.

Sooo uh

I slept in and I missed school today and I didn't go to school cause it was to late too go. So that's  fun, I set 2 alarms and i didn't hear them! Maybe my body said " no♥️" and I turned of my alarm and I don't remember it cause I was to asleep to. Maybe I should get more sleep 🙂

Welp um i'm going to bed, let's hope I don't sleep in, again, and miss school.

Bye! I wish you had a good day today, and have a amazing day tomorrow! I appreciate every single one of you!

You love me? - skephaloAU-Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora