Chapter 9

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Zaks pov

" am going to my room now" Darryl said walking upstairs. I laughed to myself.. the only reason I was nice to him.. was because I was in a relationship...where my partner hit me. When I disobey her, she wasn't the nicest person. But Darryl seems kind, not like her. I still don't know why he cared so much when I kissed Chloe. Ehhh who cares I want food, I grabbed chips from the

. I went to my room, I opened the door. I sat on my bed, I started eating my chips. I was bored so I turned on my tv, I watched some tv shows. I suddenly heard a knock on my door, " come in!" I said, I turned down the volume to the

" oh it's you" I said, Darryl looked at me
" you know it's just me  in this house right?" He said,

" oh ya" I said, how embarrassing
" anyways what do you want?" I said, Darryl had piece of paper " what is that?" I said pointing to the paper in his hand. " oh this.. I want to give this to you" he said, he walked to me and handed the paper. I grabbed it and turned it around.

Wait what? " is this me?" I said " yup!" He said happily, I haven't seen him smile like that ever.. " wow! That so cool dude thanks" I said happily, he smiled. I smiled back " am glad you like it! Well am going to my room" he said, he waved goodbye and closed my door.

" this so cool!" I said to myself, I put it in a frame, I had, I looked at at the drawing. I saw Darryl signature on it,
" cool" I said. I put the frame by my bed. I turned on the tv and kept watching the tv show.
I must of feel asleep, cause I woke up from the sun peeping in and blinding me. " stupid sun" I said, I got up

Whats that smell? " pancakes!" I said, I love pancakes. I got up from my bed and ran towards the kitchen " what are you up to?" I said, looking at Darryl
"Making breakfast" he said flipping the pancakes. I went and sat at the island,
Oo! I can't wait to eat some pancakes.

" here" Darryl said handing me pancakes, Darryl sat across me. I took a bite, " mm! This so good!" I said while my mouth was full. " Zak! Don't talk when your eating!" Darryl said " oh sorry" I said in return " you still talking!" He said, he giggled. I giggled back. Darryl took a bite from his pancakes.

I watched him eat.. for some reason.
" are you going to keep staring or are Going to start eating" Darryl said, I went back to eating my pancakes.

Why was I looking at Darryl for?

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