Chapter 33

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Yelp.. ya anyways enjoy:) a little chapter to explain well why Zak is um Zak


1 week later :)

——-Darryl pov——-

" Darryl!" I looked behind me, I was sitting at the beach " I got you this!" They handed me icecream " thank you Hannah" she nodded she sat down, we were at the beach I hadn't had time to spend time with my friends in an while. And I missed Hannah " so how have you been?" She asked, I sighed
" honestly, am still healing" I said, she nodded " makes sense it takes time to heal" she said, she got up. " I need to go you can stay here if you want" she walked away " bye!" I yelled, " bye!" She yelled back, I got up from my spot. I walked home, it was dark and it was nice to walk. The wind blew and it made everything much better.

I arrived home and walked into my home. Mrs.r was cleaning the house, she smiled at me " how was it?" She asked " good" I happily said " am heading to my room" I said, " oh alright," she replied, I went upstairs toward my bedroom. I walked in, it looked amazing. I looked at my drawer, I opened it. I saw the box that Zak gave me a week ago. I wasn't ready to open it, but I think am alright now. I took it and walked towards the door that lead to my balcony. I sat down at a chair, I put the dox on the table.

I took of the ribbon, I opened the dox. I gasped. The plate... I took it out of the dox, " Zak.." I felt a piece of paper under the plate. I turned the plate upsides down, there was a little note.
" I know it isn't much but... I fixed it for you <3" I read it out loud, I laughed.

My heart still hurts, and I don't think am ready to face zak. I put the plate on my bedside table, I went to sleep.

—————zaks pov———-

I was sitting at the couch watching a movie, until I heard a knock " come in!" I yelled, then my friend walked in. She sat beside me, " Zak.." she looked at me, she looked scared. She then went to hold my hand, my head started to hurt. I thought of Darryl and me, I can't stop think about him.. I can't stop. " uh ya?" I managed to say, she cleared her throat " I like you" she spatted out, I looked towards her


" so.. do you like me back?" She asked, she looked at me with her puppy eyes.
When she did that I thought of Darryl,
" am sorry I don't like you" I said, she scoffed " why!" She started to yell
" cause am not into girls" I mumbled, she let go of my hand " fag" she scoffed, she walked out my house and slammed my door. Then memory's came flooding back,I was in 3rd grade when it happened..

3rd pov ( when Zak was in 3rd grade)

Zak was playing with one of his best friends, " Zak!!" His best friend yelled, Zak took one of his favorite toys, and zaks best friend chased him down. Zak giggled " you will never catch me!" Zak yelled, then zaks best friend  cought up to Zak. And zaks best friend pinned him on the floor. " drake! Get off!" Zak yelled, drake was on top of Zak.

" not until you give him back!" Drake yelled, Zak tried to push drake off. Then kids started to laugh, drake got off of Zak. " are you.. one of them?" Drake asked, Zak sat up and crawled towards a corner and covered himself with a blanket. " you are!!" Drake yelled, " you one of those people" drake got closer to Zak, Zak started to breath heavily. " drake kneeled down, Zak peeked. Then suddenly drake slapped Zak " I don't want to be friends with, you" Darke laughed, he got up and gave one of the other kids a high five.

Little Zak started to cry, and since that day on kids made fun of Zak for being well him. He hated himself, he hated being gay.. and then he started to hate anyone who were gay. When he graduated he was whole different person.

   ———— back to the present——-
     3rd pov

Zak curled up into a ball, all of the trauma  from when he was little came back to him, he sodded. He never wanted to be the way he turned out to be. He hated to be this way, to have this hatred for him... and people like him.
He body went numbed, everything he has done will never be forgiven. But he could at least say sorry.. to the ones he has hurt. Zak whipped away his tears, he put a blanket over himself. He needed to change and become the person that he wanted to be.
He closed his eyes, he fell asleep.

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