Chapter 28

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Thank you!! This story is 1# on BadBoyHalo thank you for that. Here is a chapter cause I appreciate every single one of you ( Maybe even more)

Ps: reminded me to never watch a movie while writing again ITS SO INTERESTING. And well my adrenaline. (Btw it's on Netflix it's called:
The next three days)

3rd pov :)

"Oh" Zak and Darryl said at the same time, Zak walked back into the bathroom. " oh do you know that person?" The waiter asked, Darryl nodded his head. " well you can sit outside if you want to" the waiter said, "while you wait for your order" they added, Darryl walked out the cafe. He spotted a seat that was empty, he sat down. He got his phone out and looked on Instagram, he spotted a familiar person pop up. He clicked on their profile. " Lilly" Darryl mumbled to himself. He looked at her post

Then something caught his eye, there was a photo. When Darryl zoomed into the photo, he saw Zak in the background. It didn't look like their place. It looked like it was someone else's house. Why was Zak there? And what was he doing? Darryl thought.

" that was a close call" Zak mumbled to himself, " you alright there sir?" A man washing his hands, asked. " oh! Uhhh i'm um alright!!" Zak laughed awkwardly, " uh can you move please?" He said, Zak was standing infront of the door. He moved out of the way, the dude walked out of the restroom.

Zak took a beep breath, he walked out of the restroom looking both ways to make sure Darryl wasn't around. He walked out of the restroom, he walked back outside to where Lilly was. He spotted her, he sat back down on his seat. " finally your back!" Lilly happily said, she smiled. She handed Zak the
food, " thanks" Zak thanked her, he took a bite out of the muffin. "Mm! You should try this!" Zak said handing lilly the muffin

She took a piece of the muffin, she ate it. " oh wow! This was good!" She licked her lips, " here try my iced coffee" she handed Zak her cup, Zak got his straw and drank it. " mhm! This is good to!" Zak responded, then Lilly started to laugh. " what so funny?" He asked,
" you have crumbs on you cheek!" She replied, Zak pointed to his left cheek " here?" Zak asked, Lilly shook her head, " here?" Zak asked again

Lilly laughed, once again. She got a napkin and whipped the crumbs of Zak, she was really Close to Zak. They both stared at each other, Lilly was getting closer to zaks lips. " uh lilly?" Zak asked, he turned to look away .
" I don't want to kiss you" Zak answered " um WHAT?" Lilly yelled she got up from her chair , " but WHY?" She started to get angrier,
" cause I don't!" Zak yelled back

Darryl looked up from his phone to see the commotion, there he saw Zak getting yelled at a girl. Darryl got up from his seat and walked towards Zak.
" BUT YOU INVITED ME TO THIS CAFE!" Lilly yelled, hurting zaks ears
" I wasn't the ONE WHO INVITED YOU!YOU INVITED ME!" Zak yelled back, " um.." Darryl spoke, Lilly looked at Darryl. " what do you want" Lilly hissed. " don't talk to him like a that"
Zak said, " oh why shouldn't I??? Oh is it because his a prince!!!!" She mocked,

" he's my fiancé," Zak spoke
"What?" Darryl and Lilly mumbled
" yes he is, and if you have a problem with that leave!" Zak yelled, Lilly scoffed. She walked away, " fag" she whispered, loud enough to where Darryl could hear . " z-zak" Darryl hesitated, " am go home" Zak answered, he got his keys. He walked away

" what in the world just happened????"
Darryl asked himself

Uh ya... anyways...

Thank you for getting this story to 1# on BadBoyHalo that means the world!!!

Anyways I need to study for a test :)
Am going to write moreeeeeeee


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