Chapter 2 - My Sarah

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I slowly walked inside the classroom ignoring a certain someone glaring at me. I silently went to the back of the class and sat on the desk that was near the window, trying extremely hard not to even glance her way.

Wow. Never thought that I would be alone with Sarah, the girl that just slapped me and called me a pervert, in an empty classroom that is taking a hell lot of time to fill up.

I started to look at the door waiting for all the students to just come inside the classroom already. I didn't even realize when someone came to sit beside me due to my intense stare off with the door.

Feeling the presence beside me, I looked to my side to see none other than Sarah sitting there looking somewhere else.

I was somewhat happy and somewhat scared because the last time I saw her this close was when I called her panties pretty, and if I recalled correctly, she then slapped me leaving her beautiful long fingers traced on my cheek. And hell, it hurt a lot!

I was in my thoughts when I felt her tap my shoulder. When I looked over to her, I saw her cheeks all red, and once again I didn't know why. Maybe she was embarrassed, or her anger hadn't subsided yet.

I was about to ask her why she tapped my shoulder when she started, "I'm really sorry for hitting you like that, but you know you really deserved it. And I'm also sorry for calling you a pervert even though you know you are one. So, I'm sorry for slapping you in front of a lot of people."

Wow, was that supposed to be an apology. It felt like she was stating facts even when all she said was definitely not true.

But the bigger picture was that she was apologizing, which was unexpected. I expected her to slap me again but no, she just apologized.

Processing what had happened took me too long and I didn't even notice that the teacher had arrived and the class was filled with students now. Sarah wasn't sitting beside me anymore, she went back to her seat at the front and I didn't even notice when she had gone back there.

The whole time, during class, I kept glancing at Sarah even though all I could see was her side. But believe me, it was such a magnificent side view. I kept looking at her legs and how she would put her leg over the other one. It was all so fascinating.

Just staring at her was how I spent the whole period. The school bell ringing indicated the end of third period and I felt the belated regret but it didn't stay for long since I had enjoyed watching her.

My next class was physics and God knew how much I hated physics. It was just terrible. No offense to the people that did like it. But me and physics just didn't mix well.

I walked out of the classroom when half of the students started walking out. After I got out I saw Aaron standing by a locker searching for, I don't know, maybe me. And when his eyes caught mine, he immediately walked towards me with a smile.

His smile didn't leave his face as he took hold of the timetable that I was holding in my hands, "So, what's your next class?"


He smiled at me with excitement, "Well good for you then because I have physics too. And even better than that, Sarah has physics too!"

I groaned, which made him chuckle heartily. "While we're still on the subject of Sarah, did she apologize to you?"

Being completely shocked I asked him without even wasting a second more, "Wait, how do you know she apologized to me?"

Seriously if he wasn't Sarah's friend, I would have truly taken him as a stalker. Clearly, the guy knows too much and I mean, too much about the girl.

He started walking without even looking back at me. I took that as a sign to follow him and so I did.

I was just about to repeat my question but before that I was interrupted by a voice.


I looked back to see a blonde girl wearing somewhat really revealing clothes with her hair in a messy ponytail. She looked to be about 5'8 and since I was way taller than her, I just internally smiled at that.

I really loved the fact that I was considerably tall. It's not that I really liked looking down at people or something messed up like that. It was purely because girls usually find tall people attractive, and since I find girls attractive, you should get my drift right about now.

My attention went back to the girl, who had begun to fidget now and I didn't know why she was doing that.

Aaron didn't make me think too long as he turned to me, "Hey Jack. Why don't you go in class and I'll come in just a little late, okay?"

Ignoring the girl's eyes on me I playfully punched his shoulder before replying, "Sure. But be sure to come before the tardy bell."

He just smiled at me and nodded.

I went into class, after watching him and the girl walk away. But once again as I entered class I was met by eyes, beautiful eyes.

I felt as though my heart skipped a beat as she was looking at me but luckily this time, I could see a hint of embarrassment and guilt in her eyes.

I didn't know what she was feeling but I just went to the back of the class and sat down on a seat.

A few minutes later Aaron came walking in the class with a hickey on his neck. I looked at him amused as he made his way to the seat next to me.

I couldn't help the curiosity so I just went ahead and asked, "Uhm, you know that you have a hickey on your neck which wasn't there when I left you with that girl."

Being the nice person, I am I asked him quietly and politely.

He started blushing, and I looked at him shocked. I know this is crazy but I think I just found out something interesting.

So, I asked him without a single doubt, "It's that girl, isn't it? The one who gave you that hickey?"

His cheeks darkened some more. Pfft, he looks like a girl right now who has this crush on someone and her friend finds out about it.

He was blushing and looking at his desk and I could tell that he was debating if he should tell me about it or not.

And I think he decided he should because he started talking, "Actually yes. It was that girl. Her name is Lara. And well, we were doing things."

"Oh okay, that explains the hickey. And I now know the girl's name. But it doesn't explain why you're fidgeting in your seat and the blushing. Dude you look like you're constipated." I said to him quietly with a laugh, which made him frown with the blush still on his cheeks.

He looked at me and then spoke again, "Actually I like her and I—" I didn't even let him finish as I half-yelled at him.

"You What!?" Okay, I admit that girl was pretty. But not like my Sarah.

I like the sound of that. Coming back to the topic here though. I admit that she's attractive but did Aaron like her because she was pretty or because of some other reason.

All Aaron did was look down on his desk feeling a bit regret. I realized I shouldn't have overreacted like that. I mean he just became my friend even though we just met, but I have to be true to him no matter what.

I sighed, "Well I have to admit she is damn hot and you two did look good together."

He looked at me as though I had told him that the world was flat. He had such amazement in his eyes that I couldn't help it. I smiled at him and he did the same.

Well today was gonna be a long day.

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