Chapter 4 - The Minotaur

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After I got to my house with my annoying sister. I got out my car with a really bad headache.

Oh God, thank you for letting our house arrive sooner than later.

I opened the door to my house and got in greeting no one in particular. That had become a weird habit now, and I didn't care anymore about it.

Putting the car keys on the key bowl placed by the doorway, I went upstairs to my room and took my clothes off going to the bathroom.

I got in the shower and showered for a good 30 minutes before coming out. After I got out the bathroom I went to my closet and wore a simple T-shirt followed by some shorts. I combed my hair. And then just got into the bed.

Yes, I know you're wondering why would I comb my hair before getting into bed? That is stupid. But I don't really care. So, deal with it.

A single minute hadn't even passed by when my door shot open making me sigh in annoyance as I saw my older sister in the doorway.

Trying to control the irritation I felt, I asked Sandra the million-dollar question, "What do you want now?" She sighed annoyingly, "I think you have a memory problem. Don't you remember that dad told you to take me to the mall today?"

I do not have a memory problem. But I do have an anger problem. And if you don't shut up. I'll kill you and then bury you in the backyard and let the dogs find you.

I got up from the bed and walked to the door giving her a hint to follow me. But being the thickheaded woman of the century, she half yelled to me, "Where are you going?"

I smirked and copied her, "I think you have a memory problem. Don't you remember that you wanted to go to the mall?" She just huffed and frowned.

She then walked in front of me and we went downstairs. We told uncle Rick who was now in the living room watching TV, that we were going to the mall. He just said hummed in response and we exited the house after I picked my car keys from the key bowl again.

The best thing about Sandra was that she didn't continuously talk like Ravenna. And she didn't care what I did. She just never got in my business, and I liked that specific quality of hers.

Sandra was okay for a 20-year-old that had come to spend time with her family instead of going out to party like the rest of the college students in her college.

But Ravenna wasn't such a cool sister, since she was a total bitch to me even when I was still older than her. She always interfered with everything that I did, and even tattle-tailed on me, on various occasions.

But even when I would sometimes find my sisters intolerable, I still cared about them a lot.

It was complete silence in the car as we drove to the mall.

When we arrived to the mall. Sandra got out not bothering to even look back at me to say thanks.

She just kept walking and I wasn't even out the car yet.

Thank you, Jack, so much for taking me to the mall. I'll buy you something you want, to repay you for your act of kindness. I mumbled to myself while getting out the car and looking to see where Sandra went.

After a good 15 minutes later....

I had caught up to Sandra but she was busy walking into random stores and buying random clothes that she liked. I just kept following her with her bags. If one thing Sandra knew about me, it was that I'm gay and she never told anyone because I told her not to.

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