Chapter 26 - Sweet Laughter

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The weekends are the most torturous things invented, don't you think? Two whole days with family.

Nope. I'd rather sit in school those two whole days than to spend it with my family. A sister who is constantly after my secret, doesn't make it any better either.

My parents were quite oblivious to what I was hiding. Uncle Rick wouldn't even care if I was gay or not. Sandra knew and hid it perfectly while Ravenna was trying hard to know what I was hiding.

Who would want to stay home with a family like that? I admit we had our good moments.

But that was mostly when my grandparents were still alive. I loved my grandparents dearly. They were everything to me. They always knew how to make me happy.

Hah. I missed them.

My life wasn't going well. But let's look at the bright side shall we, at least Aaron and I were friends again.

Now just to make Lara and Aaron get back together. That's the hardest part.

Sarah and I were planning on Friday how to get the two lovebirds to even bump into each other. We came up with a great plan that we would execute on Monday.

Speaking of Sarah, we had been getting closer and closer and I really am sure that I like her more than a friend now. It's just confusing.

I know what will make you feel less confused.



Yeah, I was hungry and thinking made me feel hungrier.

I got out of my bed and went downstairs to the kitchen. On my way there, I saw uncle Rick sitting on the couch with his laptop on his lap.

I walked into the kitchen and towards the fridge. Grabbing a bottle of juice and a half-eaten sandwich I left at lunch, I went out of there.

Okay. Got food, check. Now to go back to my room.

I went to the living room where uncle Rick was still there sitting on the couch, and he seemed pretty focused on his laptop screen.

Made me wonder what he's up to.

I went over to sit down beside him and peeked into his screen to see what he's doing, but before I could see what he was up to, he closed the laptop screen.

"Whatcha' doing there, uncle Ricky?" I asked him with my eyebrow raised.

He never hides his laptop screen from me. As in never before.

"Just surfing through the internet, you know. Some big waves I see so I'm, uhm, just surfing them." Uncle Rick scratched his neck in nervousness while I stared at him with a straight face.

Wow, that was the most pathetic lie I've ever heard.

"You have got to try harder, you know you're a really bad liar." I sighed.

"Am not." He argued.

"Are too." I glared at him.

"And you know that you just indirectly told me that you lied just now." I continued with a smirk.

He cursed under his breath and I had a victory grin on my face.

"I was just ... I was looking at a dating site." He confessed after a while.

"Ooh. So, my uncle wants to start dating again." I teased him with a smirk.

"Shut up. It's just that I see these youngsters being all lovey-dovey and then your parents too. Oh, don't get me started on your parents. How they're giggling and stuff even when they're this old." He sighed again.

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