Chapter 12 - The Stars Are Against Me.

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Since Naomi and Jason were riding with Miranda and I, we got in the car after everyone else got in their own respective rides.

Aaron and Lara were already in Aaron's car, and they were just waiting for all of us to get in the cars as well.

"Woohoo, let's get this party started!" Jason exclaimed from the backseat as I rolled my eyes with a fond smile. He was really growing on me.

Aaron and Brad drove their cars out of the parking lot, and I followed them with my own car.

Miranda was awfully quiet while Jason kept talking about whatever he would think of. He was a nice guy but he sure did ramble a lot. I tuned him out as I glanced at Miranda through the rear-view mirror.

"Are we there yet?" Naomi asked from beside me grabbing my attention.

I couldn't control my eyebrow from raising up in question. We just got out of the school parking lot, about 15 minutes ago.

"No, we aren't." I answered simply, not wanting to point out the obvious of how we just left the school grounds.

After a couple of seconds, Naomi started tapping the dash board.

Tap, tap, tap, tap.

2 seconds later:

Stomp, tap, stomp, tap, tap, stomp.

4 seconds later:

Thump, tap, stomp. stomp, thump, tap. Tap, tap, thump, stomp, thump.

5 more painful seconds later:

Click, click, click, click. Tap, tap, tap.

"STOP. PLEASE JUST STOP!" I exclaimed, catching not only Naomi but also Jason, off-guard.

"What? I'm bored." Was the simple reply of Naomi.

"Just turn the radio on or just talk. Put your hands on your lap and just don't touch anything, I mean it."

Naomi obeyed my order and sat with her hands in her lap now. I turned the radio on while Naomi pouted. Jason was the immature one in the backseat, snickering like a child. Miranda was still silent but I didn't miss her eye-roll.

How did I get stuck with these children? You asked them to ride with you. Oh yeah. I'm such an idiot.

"Are we there yet?"

I looked at Naomi for a brief second and tried to answer her without any sarcasm at all, luckily Jason chirped in.

"Naomi, can you turn the volume up some more?"

"Jack told me to not touch anything. So, I'm sorry. Why don't you try asking her?" Naomi answered innocently, but not innocent enough, as she sent a smirk my way.

Don't fall for her big round eyes and small face. She is a problem child. She is trying to annoy you and luckily, it's working.

"Jack, can you turn the volume up some more?" Jason repeated his request.

"Yes, Jason I can." Jason smiled when I turned up the volume, hearing the song that was playing on the radio.

We rode in silence with nothing but the music playing in the background when Naomi spoke again.

"Can we stop and get something to eat such as chips?" Naomi asked as she began to look around the road to see a stop where we could buy what she asked for.

"Yeah sure." I couldn't help but to agree since I also wanted to get some fresh air away from these two. Miranda must be one tough cookie since she hasn't spoken a word yet.

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