Chapter 8 - The Date Plan

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Hah. Wednesday, it came so fast I didn't even notice it creeping up. Just kidding. It took too long to come actually, and there are still two more days left till the weekend.

My morning for today was the usual. Got out of bed, brushed my teeth. Took a long shower. Walked to the dinner table. Ate breakfast. My father was looking at me. Just normal stuff.

Wait. Wait. Back up. My father was looking at me. I looked back at my father who was sitting, at the head of the table, without his daily newspaper, I noticed.

"Um, Is there something wrong?" I questioned not looking too much bothered by his stare, even though I was.

"Yes, I do actually. I wanted to talk to you about your future." My father answered, making me sigh out in annoyance.

Here it goes again.

This subject of the future was what he talked to me about each year, and since it was my final year as a high school student, I'm pretty sure he wants to know what I plan on taking up in college.

"I told you dad, I don't know what I want to do after high school, yet." I answered him before eating the breakfast my mother had put down in front of me. She gave me an understanding look before going back to the kitchen.

"I know. But just figure it out before you finish high school. I mean, you can always join the computer world. The pay is decent and I get to do what I love most." He spoke with glittering eyes while eating and glancing at me at the same time.

I smiled at how much he lightened up when he talked about his job before I nodded my head.

"I'll think about it." I got up from the table after finishing my breakfast.

"Okay. But just do what you want to do. I will support you in every way." My father stated as I exited the dining room to go to the kitchen.

"You finished that in a matter of minutes." Mom smirked when I came to place the plate in the dishwasher. Giving her a chuckle, I nodded my head, "I don't enjoy talking about the future."

She nodded her head before coming over to hug me. "It's okay, honey, but you know you have to someday."

I sighed knowing well that she was correct. "I'm gonna go for school now, mom."

Our hug was short-lived but it had made me feel a little better. I knew that I could find a little calmness just being in my mother's embrace.

Pecking her cheek, I waved goodbye to her before going to the front door.

Ravenna was already there doing something on her phone, when I had come to the front door. This girl doesn't even eat breakfast, the most important meal of the day.

"Ravenna, darling. Don't you want to eat before you go?" I said to her with my voice full of sarcasm.

"Nope. I don't have to eat breakfast because you already ate for me too. Darling." She said without even glancing at me, even once.

Oh, this girl's nerves. I didn't reply before opening the front door. I walked out of the door after calling out into the house that we were leaving for school. Walking over to my car, Ravenna was the first one to get in after I had unlocked the car.


I walked to the double doors which led inside the high school building. I was going to enter when Aaron came up from behind me. Putting his arm over my shoulder, I glanced at him before leaning into his side.

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