016 | "we met again"

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I think we all have noticed some sort of class differences depending on which city or town you're visiting, but being in the three different rings of Ba Sing Se almost makes you feel like you're in three different towns. The difference between the middle and upper ring is not that much but when it comes to the lower ring however.. There's a lot of differences.

Since the majority of the population of Ba Sing Se lives in the lower ring, the houses are generally small which leds to that many people needs to live quite cramped because that's the only space available.

Me and Riki are currently walking through the dirty streets of the lower ring since we're going to meet up Jake. The streets are not only full of dirty, but also quite packed with different types of small stores.

"Look, it's a bison whistle!" Riki suddenly said and picked up a bison formed whistle from one of the stores we were passing by.

"And when are you even going to use it? You and Bisco are inseparable, there's no need for a bison whistle" I replied.

"You're right.. But I will still take it!" Riki responded excitedly.

I shrugged as I watched Riki giving the seller his money before we continued our walk. After a few more minutes of walking, we spotted our destination, a house with the Water Tribe symbol on it. We walked in and immediately started to scan after Jake.

"How can I help you?" Jake suddenly asked while he put on an act.

"Can you please help my lovesick friend.." Riki answered Jake while he placed his hand on my shoulder.

I immediately kicked Riki meanwhile Jake shrugged as he watched us. Jake is so used to seeing me and Riki tease and annoy each other all the time so it's nothing new since he's so used to it by one.

Jake requested to give me and Riki a little tour in his work space. According to Jake, there is not so much to see but he still wants to show us how he spends most of his time here in Ba Sing Se. As I mentioned before, the houses in the lower ring quite small but Jake and his co-workers were able to get a quite big house for being a house in the lower ring.

There's about 6 waterbender girls along with Jake who works here and helps to cure the current illness that's going around in the lower ring. The Water Tribe also helps out with cure and treat scars, both scars that are smaller but also bigger ones. Their ordinally plan was to only cure illness but since there was a lot of people in the lower ring who had various types of scars, the Water Tribe decided to help them with their scars as well.

After our little tour around Jake's work space, it was time for us to leave. Exactly where we are going is unclear but we will find something to do. When we walked out from the house, I noticed two teenage girls a few meters away whispering and pointing at Jake. I don't know what the two girls are saying but since they're being all girly is it obvious that they're talking about Jake's incredible visuals.

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