A Princess' World

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339 B.C. - Doveland (Columberra)

Life has no limitations, except for the ones you make.
 - Les Brown

'Do I have to sit here all day!?' Alexandra demanded, looking around the glass-lined chamber. It was the day of the routine meeting with the Oracle that all princesses had to painstakingly undertake. Her eldest sister, Princess Olivia, clucked her tongue disapprovingly.

'Patience, Alexandra. The Oracle will be here any moment.' she informed, not altogether very patiently herself. It had only been half an hour of waiting and Alexandra had asked how much longer it would take, for about twelve times. Her impatience was rather infamous, anyhow. Sometimes, she was referred to as "Doveland's bigmouthed error". 
Needless to say, Alexandra hated that reference. But she didn't despise being called a bigmouth nearly as much as she detested the name "Doveland". The country's actual name was Columberra. Loosely translating to "land of Doves" in some mysterious dialect. The plain land had had original settlers of a tribe that had considered the Dove its most sacred deity. Even now, over the sunclocks, there were effigies of doves. And there were statues of them lining the footpaths, the courtyards of each house had one. Why, the royal seal was a dove! But over time, the folk had moved on to autocracy, with the tribal chieftains turning into reigning monarchs. Foreigners began calling them the "Dovish" and while Columberra still remained its official label, everybody preferred the funny name "Doveland".

Everybody that is, except the youngest princess Alexandra. She always maintained that Doveland was a silly title. 

'Can I please have this thing, tomorrow?' She requested Olivia, fidgeting in her chair and peering outside one of the huge windows. It was a glorious day, bright and sunny - but nothing like those burning day summer ones. It was a pleasant warmth. Such a day had to be spent on riding horses at breakneck speed, or eating sour, unripe cherries. In fact, even painting or gardening would have been alright. But sitting in a tight-shut, closed room with two womanly sisters of hers? Not a good idea.

'What is this is important pursuit you are bent upon attending to, Alexandra?' Rose inquired, turning to look at her finally. Until then, Alexandra's eighteen year old sister had been ignoring the conversation plainly. And when Rose spoke, she did so by measuring each word, and uttering them slowly in a deliberate drone.

'It's nothing.' Alexandra told her, making a face. What did her sisters know of "fun"? They hadn't even climbed trees. Or jumped into rivers. Or wet themselves in the rains. Alexandra had secretly done all of these. And more, like wearing discarded military armors and sneaking into their Arenas, where the soldiers, and sometimes even the Kings - practiced. That had been the most fun, though only once, when she twelve, her mother had come to know of it.

That had been terrible. And she didn't want to think of it.

But if she had to explain her royal family to a stranger, it would be something like...

Twenty three year old Olivia was the picture perfect, stunningly beautiful and enviable damsel of the family. She loved royal parties, expensive drinks and handsome, lavish men. Despite some rare displays of haughtiness, Olivia was alright. According to Alexandra, she was alright. But according to their mother, Queen Ava - Olivia was the best lady in creation. 

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