Unhurried Tutor

176 16 11

327 B.C. - 325 B.C. - Idgard

Even if she was - through some mysterious ways, like Cassandra - it didn't matter to Alexandra. She was going to write her own story. One that didn't involve daggers in courts, or conditions before marriage. Or even, for that matter, love-less marriage.

Still, she had one thing to make clear.

'Ann's Doom?' Alexandra asked. 'Does it mean...'

'Ethan's Doom. EthAN's Doom.' Liam confirmed. 'The artist either got the spelling wrong, or Sabel named it that herself, for the sake of secrecy.'

And even before he had completed, she wondered what it would feel like, being Liam. Everybody knew how tough her life had been, but they all thought he had always had a smooth going, was somehow naturally a perfect. Alexandra was going through new emotions she didn't know the names for. A mix of fright and wariness, trust and love. With a dash of confusion. Her mind was cluttered with the "everything" she had asked for. And now, because she had them, they were her thoughts too. But Alexandra knew they wouldn't haunt her. For her, those memories were just milestones somebody else had crossed.

'Good you told me.' She beamed, not commenting on the EthAN's Doom part. She looked around at the darkness, 'I wouldn't kiss pure, perfect gold anyhow.' Complete, almost eerie silence followed.

'Coming to think of it, I don't think I was ever kissed. Even a simple peck on the cheek. Not to be a sobstory though... I was a deplorable teen.'

'Time to change things.' Alexandra sang, shrugging as she drew closer. Part of her was appalled at the completely affectionless life Liam had had to live. And his only fault in that was being born. It amazed her, how he had developed into that sweet and bewitching person, nevertheless. She wrapped her arms around his neck, waiting until he had his arms around her waist. Liam moved closer.

'CAPTAIN!' Watson's voice traveled across the length of the Lake.

Their almost touching heads bumped together. And she couldn't help laughing - after the initial groan of dismay. 'The type of fate we are born with!' She exclaimed, shaking her head and turning to Watson.

He just seemed to have realized that Alexandra wasn't alone. That she currently wouldn't particularly like being interrupted. A hand crawled to his mouth. 'Oh - good lord.' He almost squeaked, 'Don't give me life imprisonment now! I mean - please continue!'

Liam looked at her, then back at Watson. He shook his head. 'Why does everybody say "please continue" after interrupting?'

Alexandra quite agreed, it was the second time that had happened, and perhaps there would be a lot more. If there were perks of being a royal couple, there were a lot of downsides too. Downsides that she was more than ready to overlook, for Liam's sake. She turned to Watson and hollered, 'No, come on! Tell me! The harm's already done.'

'Oh well,' he finally smirked, letting down his guard. Not quite so guilty, after all. 'Somebody finally said "yes".'

Alexandra shot up to her feet. It was her turn to squeak "good lord". 'Good lord! Not - not Diana?!'

Liam was the next to register shock. And he knew nothing about the whole Watson-Diana-Mark scandal. 'Does that somehow mean...' He ventured, looking at Watson like the spy had signed his death warrant.

Alexandra nodded frantically, she was so high in spirits. 'The lady has just officially said yes. You know what a massive thing that is?!' And he did, of course. 'Mark's making things difficult though.'

But Liam seemed to find it extremely funny. And interesting. 'You mean - you are going to be Mark's brother-in-law?' He asked Watson.

Watson seemed to himself realize that just then. His jaw dropped. 'Er... well, we aren't exactly brotherly. So, could you please ask him to not kill me?' Alexandra hoped Mark wouldn't. Or Diana would kill him and then she would have to kill Diana. To make matters more interesting, fratricide was not a very forgivable crime.

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