Mediocre Eights

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Alexandra had NEVER thought in the wildest of dreams that she was going to return as the Head of Council.

The first person who saw her was Diana. She was sitting on the wet, dewy grass next to the Arena, and as soon as Alexandra crossed over the moat, she stood up.

'Mabel?! Suddenly? Is everything a-'

'Doveland's attacked. We are in war. I'm Head of Council. Everything is alright...' Alexandra sighed.

'Doveland attacked?!' Diana almost shouted, 'You are HEAD OF COUNCIL?!' This time she really shrieked across the length of the council, a few pigeons erupted from the neighboring trees and flapped away hurriedly.

Alexandra nodded, 'Do me a favour, Sister. Call a meeting.'

Everybody sat around the long, polished, Mahogany table. Alexandra feeling uncomfortable in her position at the head of it, as she played with the small, golden key in her hand.

'All of them are here,' Kane announced, 'continue, Mabel.'

'As I said, Sirs - we're into war. Doveland's attacked and this-' she held up the small key, 'is one of the temporary decisions tha-'

'Why?!' Demanded Watson, leaning over indignantly, 'Why should it be temporary?'

'Exactly!' Fannel banged his hand on the table, 'Whom are you kidding?'

'Besides, you will make a good Head,' Henry confessed - Alexandra had to make sure she was not dreaming of it.

'And this,' Kane wrapped up, taking out the fist-sized Head of Espionage batch, and pinning it to Alexandra's chest, 'looks good on you.'

'But it'll look better on me.' Diana contended, pushing her hair back. Then found everybody staring at her mutely, she straightened up and continued. 'Come on - I was just kidding!'

'A second,' Jake, a thirty five year old said, 'Mark - you never told us that Diana was capable of joking...'

'I never realized that, myself!' Fannel replied, shrugging as everyone howled with laughter,

'Alright - peace!' Alexandra yelled over the din, 'Back to business, spies!'

* * *

Diana, Jack, Smith and Alexandra.

That's how many people remained back in the Council after all of Doveland was covered. Even the fifth years were sent away - almost a hundred letters were sent to the Councils in the other states.

Alexandra wouldn't have remained back. She wanted some action, some movement and field work. But unfortunately, as Kane pointed out: Heads had to remain in the Council at times of War.

With Master George it had been easy. But it was difficult for Alexandra to sit still. Things became better when Diana proposed they could duel everyday... or night rather, since the days were guaranteed to be busy.

'Really?' Alexandra asked her,

'Yes, Little Sister.' Diana nodded.

'I hope I'll find her in one piece, then, Diana.' Fannel ventured.

'Of course you will,' Alexandra replied, 'Want me to write to Marilyn?' she asked, of course they wouldn't be telling her of Fannel going to Doveland - the fact that he was a spy, was still, and would be - a secret. They would simply ask her to not communicate for a few days - because of this and that reasons, all of which were excuses.

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