Single-Handed Carnage

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Love is the most powerful force in the world. That love can do anything.
- Cassandra Clare

Aunt Sabel recognized the voice perhaps, because she stopped dancing around in pain. And when she turned, both Alexandra and she caught the man's face. He was right outside the Cell- but when they saw him, he unlatched the low door and entered. Behind him stood more than a dozen Ethorian guards, with their as-tall-as-Alexandra spears.

Aunt Sabel's face contorted with rage, 'Nicholas!' She shrieked, 'My son, what are you doing here?!'

Alexandra would have collapsed if she was not chained to the chair. Nicholas? Nich-o-las?!

This man- Nicholas?!

Alexandra didn't recognize him at all! Where was the sour, pale- sick looking nine-year old she had allegedly killed? This person- was mightily different.

'I won't let you do any more madness, woman!' He growled. How had the change come about? Aunt Sabel said that - that he had asked her to take some revenge on his behalf!

Not everybody is dim-witted like you! Mind disparaged, he of course said that to send his mother away! What else should he have done?!

Alexandra couldn't help agreeing. Definitely there had been a LOT of change in Nicholas. Physically - yes, why not! He was nothing like the old boy. Lean, strong-looking and - if it was within decency to admit that - handsome. He was nothing like Aunt Sabel. And on a person's face, only a reflection of their true, inner self, showed. What Nicholas was inside - was how he appeared outside.

'Nicholas!' The Aunt said, in a firm, commanding tone, 'Get out of this. It is none of your business!'

'You've fed me enough nonsense!' He barked back, 'What had you told me? This cousin of mine is a black smudge - that I should keep away from her, lest I too got tainted?! You told me that she was a witch in hiding! And what else did you feed me? That she is unloved, she is useless, her own family considers her a burden?! I spoke your intolerable ideas to her - it would have made anyone angry! Your mad beliefs had maddened me, they are the reason I've been your pawn for this long! You asked me to play along in this dirty game with Doveland. You wanted your revenge, you destroyed my life for it!'

'No!' Aunt Sabel cried, somehow sounding really anguished - 'It is not so! I love you, my dear! You are my son!'

'I have always been your son! But you never became my mother! For you, I am nothing but a bridge to get your revenge. For you, I was a burden! Until you found out you could use me to dictate over Doveland. Then - all of a sudden - I became valuable? Is that motherhood?!'

'Nicholas, who has been telling you these! They are not true, son! I-'

'Not everything I say had been fed to me! This is my choice! You were sure Alexandra was going to come - I was sure too! I knew she would come. And the day she did - I would get rid of you. End the mess you have made!' Nicholas clarified - interrupting his mother.

Alexandra couldn't help her lips curling upwards. Nicholas - the final card. Until now, it was unturned. Nobody knew in whose favor he would be. Now, it was clear.

Nicholas favored her. Nicholas - with whom it had all started - was the one who would end it.

'Nico-' Aunt Sabel began, in a pleading voice - it surprised Alexandra how she was capable of doing that - one minute: menacing, ready to torture and kill. The very next: pleading, motherly, innocence dripping through her voice.

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