Men Will Be Men

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Alexandra's voice, was the one thing she could be thankful for.

Riding into the mess of mangled bodies and the red earth, an unconscious aunt piled in front of her, on Mercury, Alexandra had had one sweeping look of the situation.

Nothing very different from what she had left behind. But now, it was the time to end it.

She cleared her throat. She rubbed her palms together for the energy. And then - finally, she bellowed with all the strength she could muster, 'STO-O-OP!'

Alexandra had never known that she could roar so loud. And so effectively. Had she known of it - she would have done this before! Immediately, all around her - somehow - the soldiers stopped. Swords were brought down, nocked arrows were retrieved. And as they did, Austin spotted her. Call them off! Alexandra mouthed to him. His eyes travelled to the black robed aunt and he immediately understood.

'IDGARDIANS! TERMINATE!' He yelled. The order was repeated in a voice Alexandra clearly recognized as the Commander's. And all the generals echoed it to their troops. Instantly, more than three-fourth of the men dropped their weapons. They closed ranks and backed off, some striding, some stumbling and others supporting the ones who could do neither. As soon as that was done, Nicholas didn't even have to yell. The Ethorians already seemed halfhearted, a fleeing mass of terrified men - they, out of their own free wills, closed ranks and retreated.

A clear gap of about three hundred yards stretched in front of the two armies. It had taken just two voices to stop them. But the Idgardians still looked intent upon war, more so than ever before, because they now knew Ethoris to be the real offender. In fact, as she watched, the Idgardian Army fidgeted and seethed with discontent. And then, before anybody could realize a thing, they started forward, with louder yells of bloodlust. A few generals tried to maintain order, a few grappled hopelessly - but the majority, on horsebacks, incited their troops further on. Alexandra watched Austin's mouth fall open - the commander was no where to be to seen. And the Vedessan troops had rebelled. 

Caught in a wave of panic against the advancing roll of men, she yanked Mercury backwards, and it was more than eager to obey. But as her horse retreated, another stallion galloped ahead riding on which, his face bearing the gravest look she had ever seen - was Liam.

'No worries now, Mercury.' She whispered, stopping and abandoning the idea of retreating. 'It takes a king - a real Emperor - to do this.'

And for once she was right. Coming to a halt amid the soldiers who were still forging on, Liam raised his hands in a placating gesture. 'IT IS ENOUGH, VEDESSANS! THIS MASSACRE IS BENEATH YOU - TERMINATE!' 

And it sufficed. Somehow, it did. They were not happy with it, they were still vengeful, but they were Idgardians after all. No Idgardian had to heart to disappoint Liam. They stopped midway, hisses and waves of low protests followed: all of which Liam heard, but shook his head decidedly. And perhaps that was where all his time went - why he seemed to perpetually be busy. It would not have been an exaggeration to say that each soldier seemed to know him personally, seemed to believe that they - and only they - had his full confidence. And that was the reason they listened, the reason - when he unsheathed his sword and let it fall to the ground - they followed suit with their own weapons. Dropping the weapons was the ultimate gesture of concluding a war - thankfully, Alexandra was no soldier. She would killed everybody present (bar the Idgardians) rather than dropping Moira.

Since it was now a truce, she dismounted. Holding Mercury by the reins, she walked for a few yards, not very sure where she intended to go. But when she stopped, Mercury simply bowed his head down - allowing the Aunt to drop to the ground.

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