Watson's Shortcuts

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'You think they'll talk anything important?' Alexandra asked Kane, as they sat huddled behind the bushes of a Royal Garden. Alexandra had bittersweet memories of Royal Gardens: had it not been for Royal Gardens, she wouldn't be who she was today.

They'd hurried after the Sponsor couple, the manager had cried for his money and Alexandra had flung her whole purse at him.

'THIS ISN'T EMPTY, IS IT?!' He had cried out again,

'YOU BETTER CHECK FOR YOURSELF!' She had replied. She wasn't going to cheat anybody- there were seventy five gold coins in it, their bill had been VERY HIGH: sixty gold coins, nothing given to eat even. What did couples come here for? Hearing the crows caw outside? She let the fifteen others go too, anyhow. For the unreserved table... maybe.

'Hearing is the only choice to find out,' Kane replied, squatting beside her, 'You're smaller, why don't you try to-'

'I've already told you- no!' Alexandra replied, Kane was suggesting why she didn't go ahead and hide under the Lady's HUGE gown. 'Why don't you hide in that dustbin?!' She added.

'Fine, got it, Madam! Just telling,'

'No Minister, we won't be able to do it any longer.' The Sponsor Man said, in front of them. Kane swung his head so fast in the direction, that Alexandra heard it click, he grimaced and massaged it, staring above them.

'Why, Sir?!' Asked the minister, 'I thought we had a deal!'

'We did,' The lady replied, 'But Aaron and I have decided that we don't want to fall into this mess. You're taking the fund for terrorism. If the rest of the kingdoms find out- we're going to become WANTED criminals worldwide. We're stepping back,'

'That's good- one sponsor less,' Alexandra whispered,

'Shh,' Kane said. 'Follow me- we don't need to hear more,'

'But you shall have to pay the sum of ten million gold coins- we warned you, withdrawal is only possible if you pay it,' the minister was saying in the distance, as Alexandra and Kane squat-walked behind, in the thick bushes. Kane in the lead, pushing aside any twigs or leaves stamping which could make noise.

The herbs' scent reminded Alexandra of the Palace Infirmary.

'Ten million?!' The man was saying, 'You said one million...'

'See the papers you've signed, Mr. Topsyne,' the minister shrugged, an evil hint in his voice. 'I don't know, might have been my slip of tongue- but it was ten million.'

'You're a cheat...' The lady was saying, but her voice was already too low to be heard anymore- they were at the edge of the bushes. A final look behind her shoulder, and Alexandra plunged in the orchards to her right.

'So what now?' She asked Kane, as they navigated through a series of strange-fruit bearing plants, 'We got proof there are sponsors- now?'

'We'll write to the Council of this development. They'll see what to do in that case. Our job with Sponsors is over- our trial's job is trying to locate terrorists,' Kane replied, plucking a brown fruit off one of the trees.

'That's not yours,' Alexandra rebuked,

'The hungry's name is written on every grain of food,' Kane replied, biting into it. 'That stupid Club, didn't give us anything other than the violent rose smell- this is good,' He added, looking at the fruit. 'Wonder what they call it...'

'They call it Luring Trap, I guess. Because you are certainly lured. Now come on!'

'Just a minute,'

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