Black Daggers

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Knife combat began two days later.

'A dagger, as you all have now, is an ancient weapon. Even the claws of predators are like a dagger. All your weapons, as I must remind you, are double edged. You must take care of them... oiling, cleaning and practicing, they are in your hands. Most Agents go so far as to even name their daggers-'

'Like I've named mine Vertex,' Fannel enlightened. Master George had said he wanted him around, for this lesson, so he was hanging about. 'It's point is really sharp.' And with a slightly malicious grin, he touched the tip of the blade and let a spherical drop of blood fall on to ground. Why, though, were his eyes on Watson?

'Yes, like Vertex. Anything that suits you,' Master George agreed. 'Your first lesson is that when you are fighting with a weapon, your eyes must move before your hand does. And that, is very, very important. I've got Agent Fannel here with me. He is one of the best dagger-user I've seen myself... it is an inborn talent, he claims, runs in his family. Anyhow, we'll show you a demo, though here, you should not expect me to win.'

Alexandra was awed by the speed of the whole thing. Fannel won, disarming the Master. But they were very well-matched. Twice or thrice, they seemed to almost forget that the match was friendly. A few strikes were so well-aimed that they would have been conclusively fatal. But they managed to control themselves midway - or the second years would have had to arrange a double funeral. 

When Diana had taught herself to use a dagger, why would Mark be any different. Still, the fact that Master George gave him considerable opposition, was impressive. And that was perhaps the reason Master George was such a dangerous man. He was equally talented in everything. And there was nothing he couldn't do - maybe, expect for smiling at first years. 

'So, we begin with the very basics.' He continued, picking up his dagger and giving Mark a satisfied nod. 'But don't get inflated about it now, Mark.' He warned. Alexandra hadn't heard him call anybody by the first name before. It humanized Master George instantly, made him appear less stern.

'No, Sir.' He agreed, 'my head's already bloated enough. Anymore will make it burst.' He added. And to Alexandra's astonishment, he succeeded in making their teacher laugh.

It was then that she realized, the older one got, the friendlier Master George became with them.

* * *

'You never told me you're so skilled with the dagger!' Alexandra exclaimed, after the class was over. They stood leaning onto the Arena's fence, the Arena itself being occupied by third and fifth years now.

'It sort of runs in my family, as he said. Oh and did I tell you? I have a month of holiday now.' Fannel replied, changing the topic. He succeeded again, because Alexandra grew wide-eyed.

'A month?' She asked. Spies having a WHOLE MONTH of holiday, was like flies losing their wings. In short, possible, but very strange. 

'Yes, everyone gets it after they've completed one trial. Just a month. But I'm not leaving.' He said, touching the hilt of his blade unconsciously. It was much bigger than hers and looked much more dangerous too. But Mark Fannel seemed to have lost his mind.

'Why not? See the outside world - it has almost been six years of you doing that! Get some air. An-' She began.

'Mabel, the break is to meet family members.' He enlightened, putting extra stress on family.

'So?! You use it to meet yourself, if you haven't got any family!' Alexandra replied, the heat of the argument getting the better of her as she almost shouted it out. Fannel gestured to her to lower the volume. She flushed and raised her her hands, whispering, 'Sorry!'

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