The Second Pair

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Knowledge will give you power, but character respect.
- Bruce Lee 

The Arena mostly had second years practicing self-defense against some fourth-fifth years. She sat in the audience ring, remembering her second year, how she'd been in the Arena, defending herself against three grown-up men with swords, in knife-combat class. With just that single dagger. She had felt exhilarated then. But now, she was secretly glad that the part of her life involving such risks, was over.

'So, what is it, Ex- wait, was it Exclusion? No...' She shook her head, watching Kane, as he shook his head with a small, amused smile too.

'Exclusiveness.' He enlightened, and she mouthed oh. 'Extra, special classes.' He continued, 'Master George gives it to certain people who he thinks will be pivotal in the Espionage. Who will have to shoulder more responsibility than the rest. He teaches all these extra things there,'

'And you have had it?'

'Yes,' he accepted, tilting his head to the right. 'Many do. Mostly two from each year - and that is why we say - when less people join, better people join. Out of seven, if two of you still possess abilities equal to those that two out of fourteen possess ... you get the point. Usually though, having it is like signing the deal for more dangerous trials. You do have more information, as well. They call us Exclusive Agents.'

'And, what does exclusive mean?' She asked.

'In simple words, you will be more related to National security. You will be closer to the Court, the King, the Ministers ... uh, we do call them "fattened" ministers, as an inside joke. And Exclusive Agents ...' He said. 'Help run the Nation.'

'By working in the background.' Alexandra surmised. That was how these things worked, somebody had to work undercover, and somebody announced things in public. Like were the real stones used in making a building. Those stones formed the base, gave the building strength and held it together. And an outer layer of fine, dazzling, stone. That layer was praised and loved, while the real strength-givers were not even known.

Was that unfair? 

It just depended on the way a person looked at it.

'By working in the background.' Kane agreed. 'But it isn't so bad.' He assured, 'you have all these meetings, in private - and it's the feeling of pride and respect. In fact, our present King - or Liam, as you would prefer - insists upon joining our forums. You were quite right, he isn't a "blundering idiot". Agents who have been around for ten years or so, recount the old times. Earlier, the Espionage was seen as a magic wand. We were expected to just have all information on earth - and if we didn't - I'm not joking, there were penalties. Now...' He broached, grinning.

'Now, what?' She asked, grinning back, in anticipation.

'Now ... fine, I'll tell you how our last meeting went. There first was a little spectacle regarding who would occupy the head chair, but he ended up ordering Master George into it upon grounds of "age" and "experience". Then, our data started spilling and he genuinely listened - which is a big feat - for our data is often protracted and messy beyond any Non-Agent's understanding. The meetings are usually highly spirited and interesting - but this last one was an exception. I was sitting right next to him and it got unbearably boring. So much so that I forgot he was there, yawned and muttered how "they are just spinning everything out for this imbecile king". He replied with "the imbecile king's ears are in perfect, working condition and he can hear you." I was paralyzed with shock - and fear. But goodness - he laughed - and entreated them to pace up a bit because "the dynamic, young members are bored to death." What was more - when I got up to apologize, he asked me to sit - and he winked! I, in all my senses, cannot imagine a king winking.' Kane completed, shaking his head, 'but that is not all - if he winks, doesn't mean he cannot be serious. When he is, it is just as impressive and I have never called anybody "impressive", before.'

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