Greetings of Exile

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To make a difference in somebody's life you don't have to be brilliant. Rich. Beautiful. Or perfect. You only have to care.
- Mandy Hale

Seeing the doors closed in front of her filled Alexandra with a dull grief. But surprisingly, she felt calm. She got up, and her ankle hurt. She vaguely remembered having twisted it whilst the guards had been dragging her - even thinking back of that made her cheeks burn. She had never thought that such a humiliation was possible, let alone it being done to her. And the last words she had told them - that they would pay - she hoped with all heart that it came true.

One look around herself - and she realized how dark and scary a night could be. There was no one around: only a stone path, an iron gate and a sky full of glittering pearls.

Alexandra felt her cheeks were still wet. She raised a hand to wipe her eyes - but they already were dry. 

I'm stronger than I think I am. 

She considered her options - the fact that she was no longer a citizen of anywhere, made a lot of options present themselves to her. Naturally, if she was found anywhere in Doveland after daybreak, she would be executed. That was an acceptable option, but now, Alexandra wanted to live. It had been her fate which had got her the exile. She had heard stories of Princes and Princesses who had flourished in exile. While none of them were true, they gave her a realistic hope. Alexandra needed good people, and something told her that there were good people out there, waiting for her. She just had to find them.

She gathered up her extravagant green robes and slowly - deliberately making each step echo, she walked.

Thump, thump, thump

The footsteps were truly deliberate. She wanted to make the people staying back, realize that she was leaving. She would never come back.
And if they wanted to stop her, this was the last chance.

Nobody availed that chance. Alexandra walked away from her looming past full of Palace corridors, codes of conduct and censored beauty. A part of her was dimly surprised. She wanted to turn. But all that she would find there was death - it was horrifying that Doveland could do that to her. But everything was so unbelievable - so terrible - that the only thing Alexandra registered, was that she was still breathing. She could still feel her pulse. And she wanted it to be that way. In Doveland or out of Doveland. And wherever her feet lead her, she just wanted to be out of Doveland, now.

Alexandra had one small advantage, even so. She knew of quite a few (if not all) shortcuts.
She knew Doveland's position on the maps they used. According to that, Columberra was a small, independent kingdom whereas around them were two giants. To the North-East was the Empire of Vedessa and to the South West was the Empire of Cartania, beyond Cartania was another small kingdom: Ethoris (the Kingdom whose throne she had apparently endangered). However, the Palace, almost touched the borders of Vedessa. So, if she was lucky and used all her shortcuts, she would be out of Doveland well before daybreak. Then ... she would see what to do. Vedessa could not be expected to be friendly. Their young emperor was infamous in Doveland - he was aggressive and power-hungry, and had full intention to launch an attack on Doveland any moment now.

Alexandra hoped he did. But that was irrelevant - she needed help - and he was certainly not the best person to be found by. In that case, the best thing was to lie low. Vedessa was huge - who would waste their time in looking for an exiled-princess-in-hiding there!?

Before she knew it, Alexandra was in the Markets, with the plan fully thought out in her head. There, she sat down for a while, because the pain in her ankle had become unbearable. She found a wad of cloth hanging from the window of a shop and pulled it down, tying it to her ankle. It did not lessen the pain, but at least the spot was secured. Alexandra knew that there were still miles to go in order to be out of Doveland. It was probably seven or eight at night. No, she dare not fall asleep here.

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