Irreparable Breaks

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Alexandra had finally escaped from the Dovish Palace. Hours after Austin had left, hours after the sun had set. Minutes after the pain had subsided.

She had no idea was the time was. Not that she cared. All Alexandra now wanted, was a bed. Both for her dead back, as well as for gathering her thoughts. She limped, putting the left foot forward ached especially, so she was trying her best not to use it.

No changing inns that night. She dragged herself up the dark, uneven steps of the very same one.

Dragging herself out from under the settee had been bad enough. She had then bumped her head against the coffee table too. That pain was now gone, but it would resurface as a dark blotch later on, ones she duly hated.

She had just had a taste of what Old Age would be like. And Alexandra was, really a bit afraid now.

Coming upon the familiar bed, she dropped down by it, wincing as she landed. She pulled out the pillow from above and shifted it behind her lower back.

Jade was waiting for her at the window sill, her head bent at an odd angle, like she was trying to make out what was wrong with Alexandra, who was ignoring her.

The bird flew and sat down on her shoulder. Alexandra groaned, 'Not now, Jade.'

Jade pecked at her,

'Not now.' She repeated, bending her neck the other side and shutting her eyes. But the bird didn't stop.

'Enough!' She said, waving at the bird, who took off in a series of violent flaps, looking at Alexandra in an angry side-glance. She swooped up and flew down again, this time landing in her lap.

'What is it?!' Alexandra cried, in response, Jade lifted her left foot up. Tied to the foot, was a very small piece of paper- that Alexandra was pretty sure would expand into a whole page, once unfolded.

'Oh... thank you,' she said, untying the letter, then she felt Jade's cold stare at the back of her neck. Alexandra looked up. The bird was gazing at her, eyes narrowed, as if to say, you don't have anything else to say?

'Fine! Sorry, My Lady!' Alexandra told her, exasperated, 'My humble apologies! Now stand still-' taking a letter out, unfolding it- was heavy business, because it was very likely to tear the paper. In many cases, Alexandra had torn those sheets.

But today she managed to prise it off in one piece. That was the way bad news always survived. Shooing Jade away, Alexandra unfolded the letter and read,

Secret Agent

It is our duty to infrom you of the unfortunate demise of our Teacher, our Head: Master George. We urge you too hold you tears for awhile- because this letter is important, and the tears shall make it unreadeble.

We agree we cannot hold his funeral without EVERY single Idgardian Secret Agent. Master george's last orders had been to not delay his final rites. We do not have as much thinking abitilies left in us right now now to think of any allternative.

All we can do is scheduel it day after- which is, on the fifteenth of December. The very first weak of this year, we shall spend in mourning. But wee understand if you do knot want to attend it.

In case you do, send this letter back to us. We shall request another Veddessan Spy to fill your gap for a month. No need of writting anything else. Take care of yourself, Agent- we know what a terribble loss this is is for each one of us.

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