Lady Derk of Doveland

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A ten years older, Rose.

She was standing at the door - she hadn't seen Alexandra yet, because she had just arrived. But in case she did... that would be a BIG problem.

'Ah, Lady Derk,' Said Eloise Quintery, in a voice of laced hatred, 'How charming to see you in our meeting- we are graced!' Lady Derk? Who was Rose married to? Was she no longer a princess?

'You shut up! And this nonsense is a club?!' Rose spat, walking ahead. She slammed her hat on the table and came nose-to-nose with Eloise Quintery. 'Round up this meeting! Stop fooling these naïve ladies! Or I will-'

'What?!' Asked Eloise Quintery, so low that only she, Alexandra and Rose could hear, 'What will you do? You lost favor the moment you fell for that good-for-nothing Fredrick. I can make your life difficult, Derk- don't meddle with Royal Orders!'

'What I do or I don't do,' Rose replied, staring daggers at her, 'Is my own choice. And what did you say? I can't do anything?! Watch your tax, Quintery- if it is not at five times your current due- I'll cut my tongue!'

Eloise Quintery gulped- who was this Fredrick Derk? What tax?! 'This meeting is getting recorded! Every word you speak is getting recorded, Derk!' Eloise said, turning to Alexandra. So did Rose.

Alexandra learnt her lesson that day. Never bring changes in Master George's instructions. NEVER. Rose frowned at her, like she was sure- still she was unsure- about who Alexandra was. If there was even a trace of uncertainty- it was a good thing. But the moment Alexandra would speak, all her plot would fall apart. Rose mightn't recognize her face alone, but a face- coupled with the voice- was quite enough.

Just pray don't run into the Dovish King. Worse. She had done worse. Rose always knew her best, because of their small age gap, because of their un-Olivia-ness, or because Alexandra's chatter lifted Rose's mind from everyday hustle-bustle. Whatever the reason, Alexandra was sure she was doomed.

'Isn't it, Brielle? You are noting down everything, aren't you?' Asked Eloise Quintery. Alexandra looked at her, then looked at Rose.

Whatever else their matters, whatever else had happened- today, Rose had come here and defended Alexandra- and she wasn't doing it for show. She was ready to go against Austin, who had always been her closest sibling- to stop Alexandra's insult.

Alexandra would do anything for somebody who stood up for her. Who spoke for her when she wasn't in the position to do so.

And then, would it be that bad to show herself? Rose was no fool.

'What is getting noted?' She asked standing up, 'I didn't note anything.' Rose got a full view of her and as she stood behind Eloise, her mouth opened and closed, she clutched her chest and was wide-eyed. But she didn't say anything.

'Stop joking now, Brielle! What is all this you have scribbled here, then?!'

'Oh this? I was writing a love letter,' Alexandra replied, smiling in a stupid-innocent way. Mutterings around them, the ladies were all confused as to what was going on. A few poked Rose's expensive hat. The rest were already gossiping and boasting about how many love letters they had got.

'SHUT UP!' Eloise roared, 'You wretched woman! Show that here!' And she snatched for the pad of parchment.

'Aha not so fast!' Alexandra replied, pulling it away from her grip, 'First watch.' And she pulled out whatever she'd written, tore it right from the middle then into quarters, into eighths and sixteenths, and finally throwing the torn pieces right on Eloise's face.

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