The Second Gem

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The Focus was what the meeting room was called, in Idgard. Alexandra almost ran across the rows of carpeted corridors that she had finally learnt to navigate through, after all those years. She turned to her left in the farthest aisle, just as she saw Nicholas' figure turning. Alexandra waited for a second. She heard the door open and then close with a thud.

Then she approached the large room with closed, wooden doors. Fanning it on both sides, were guards. Alexandra exhaled and waved them away.

After they left, she knelt down, just beyond the door and peeped in through the keyhole. The view was just perfect.

She could see Liam from behind, sitting by the long table, as Nicholas stood next to him, arms crossed. Alexandra barely breathed, for the fear of losing out on their words.

'Tell me what is the problem, clearly, Nicholas.' Liam finally asked, standing up. When he did, it felt as though the lighting had shifted to him. All the focus immediately fell on Liam: lifting off the younger one in a fraction of seconds. Even after all the years, Liam had not lost a single, tiny bit of his lustre. So much so that, despite the gravity of the situation, Alexandra couldn't help silently congratulating herself for the amazing husband she had found.

'Heir.' Nicholas corrected, his voice low and complex. A hundred emotions at once, all of them he was trying to hide. But the youngster did not know that it was impossible to hide from one's parents. Alexandra knew he was feeling wronged, disappointed and a tiny bit angry, more than the other emotions.

'Not yet.' Liam shook his head simply, as the light bounced of his refusing-to-gray dark hair and entered Alexandra's eyes, making her look away. But she still heard the next line. 'Heir, not yet.' Liam repeated. 'And not ever,' he continued, 'if you do not mend your deteriorating ways.'

Alexandra watched as palpable tension stretched between the two men. Nicholas' shoulder tightened. 'So, Re- I was right. You have plans. You have always favoured Ophelia. And now, you intend to rob me of my birthright.' He accused, as Alexandra frowned. What was the slip of tongue Nicholas had had? "Re- I". Somebody whose name started with Re... Unfortunately, that could mean a whole lot of people. They couldn't possibly go on persecuting everybody with those initials.

'No, Nicholas, you were wrong. But I, meanwhile, am right. You have found advisors. A person, or many people whose ill influence you are working upon. No problem, son.' Liam consoled, patting Nicholas on the arm. 'I will find out. For now, just tell me why you are provoking your sister.'

This time, Nicholas did not let the silence stretch. 'I am not provoking her. Neither have I got any advisors. As for my friend, you will never find him unless he shows himself. Oh, you certainly love to assume that you are the best in the whole world. And everybody - including Mother - hero-worships you. I think I would have done so too, had I not met better people, with not half as much conceit. And Ophelia is a spoiled brat. You, Father, have a good share in spoiling her.' A hand crawled to Alexandra's mouth. In her wildest of dreams, she wouldn't think of using the word, "brat". Even for the children of her enemies. Nicholas, was using it for her own sister?

'Spoiled brat.' Liam repeated, calmly. Either he hadn't heard, or he chose to ignore the part about conceit. 'You know, Nicholas, I think I will not beat around the bush anymore. Coming straight to the point, I know what you are trying to do. All these pointless arguments you've had with Ophelia, all the inciting things you say to her, it is a bit too evident that you are trying to make her lose her temper. So that, she does something: preferably something big. Like maiming you. So that, she falls in our eyes and we find sympathy for you. We favor you. No doubt, you haven't come up with this scheme yourself. The advisor - oh no - the friend, has suggested it. Today, when after coming so close to it, Ophelia dropped that dagger,' he continued, taking one step forward. Nicholas took one step back. 'You lost your temper. And in a fit of rage, you did the first thing that came to your mind. You, broke your sister's arm.' Liam finished, breathing a little heavily. 'Yes, how chivalrous! How utterly valorous!' He berated with heavy sarcasm. 'And you think, after all this, after knowing that you in bad company, I am going to announce you the Heir?'

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