A Frustrating Loss

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Fannel was looking appeased as the dead man hit the ground. And Alexandra's first thought was - I need to learn that trick!

The second thought was to catch Liam's expression. But there were none - just his dark hair falling into his eyes, like on the very first day they'd met. Without any apparent reason, Alexandra found that much more endearing than anything else.

Then she didn't get time for third thoughts. The rest of the guards just seemed to have realized that their leader was dead. And they didn't seem to have any intention of backing off.

They thrust forward, to prise the aunt off their captivity, perhaps - because their loyalties hadn't switched. The three Idgardians rolled to different sides, Fannel - showing great presence of mind - kicked the Aunt on the shin, because of which she collapsed and was almost trodden upon by the advancing sentries.

And then, utter chaos broke out.

The guards charged left, right and center. It was not at all heroic, but the three of them ran. Aunt Sabel felt around madly - her gag having come out - crying, 'Help me, I can't see!' But no one seemed interested in her anymore - the loyal guards were going more for Liam - which was a good thing, as they only had their spears knocked off.

Alexandra herself wasn't spared. Moira was with Fannel - but she almost liked being back to body-combat. Picking men clean off their feet, just to flip them over; pushing knees into guts and fists into faces. However, they were still greatly outnumbered.

After running around, fighting and escaping the guards for ten minutes, the three bumped into each other-

'Ouch!' Cried Alexandra - she had a thousand ways of slamming her injured head to places.

'Mark, we don't have another choice!' Liam acknowledged, 'Smoke ball.'

Smoke ball? Did things like that even exist? 

Alexandra felt Liam grip her wrist tight. 'What about that woman?' Fannel asked, rather calmly - like stampeding crowds of mad sentries was something he encountered each day.

'I'll handle,' Liam assured. This time, they didn't make the mistake of not believing Liam's "I'll handle". Fannel just nodded, thrust a hand into his pocket and produced a spherical, black ball.

'3... 2... 1...!' He said, and threw it to the ground. It burst into a million shards and billowing smoke rose meters above them. Liam pulled her by the wrist - Alexandra didn't oppose, she just ran along, having no idea to where.

* * *

A lot of time and smoke later, they emerged out into the open. All of them collapsed. Alexandra had no idea where they were - but by the looks of it, it was already dawn. They had left the sentries behind. She had a quick look around: still holding her wrist was Liam. Fannel sat next to her and behind all of them was the still blind-folded aunt. Everyone was panting and coughing, their faces blackened with smoke. Worst of all was Aunt Sabel who looked like she had been trampled upon by rushing elephants, even in her chains.

They sat for five minutes, 'Everyone alright?' Fannel asked.

'I won't stay right for long!' Aunt Sabel cried.

'No one asked you even,' Fannel spat at her. 'Mabel?'

'Good! Gone all black and ugly, but good.'

'You mean, gone blacker and prettier but good?' Liam asked. Alexandra wanted to smack him down, but -

'Not the time to joke!' She exclaimed, as they got up, 'Goodness, and what did you do with that man?!'

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