Chapter Two

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**** One week later -

**** Gwyn was up early that morning starting breakfast, and getting all of Bear's medicines lined up for that week. It had been a hard night for him and she knew he would be in need of a pain killer first thing, but would want to deny it.

She smiled to herself. They were finally getting along. Well, for the most part anyway. It had taken patience and plain, honest, supportive talking, but she had finally convinced him to work out three times a week instead of everyday.

"Somethin' smells good."

She spun around to find the man in question rolling into the dinning area.

"Fresh, home made Cinnamon rolls. Dey're my grand-mère's recipe. You could smell dem fo' miles in de bayou. Would you like some?" (grandmother's)

He looked closely at her pensive face as she pictured the memory. He was touched that she had shared a little piece of herself with him. This was valued by his people. He shrugged, "I might as well, seein' as you'll nag me until I do."


"Yes, Miss CNA. Ya do."

"Saccade!" (Jerk) She muttered in Cajun French.

"What was that?!"

"No'hin'." Gwyn began the process of squeezing fresh orange juice. "You'll find your weekly medication dispenser filled. Next week's also dere."

Bear was surprised, "Ya did that?"

"Yes. It's part of my job. As a live-in CNA it is my job ta take care o' dat as well as de household chores. Anythin' I can do dat will make yer life easier, an' better will help ya get yer life back. I noticed de pantry was nearly empty, so afta ya turned in I asked Beau an' his son Kyle to drive me into Butte."

Bear studied her. He hated to admit it, but he was very impressed with her work ethic. Then it hit him, Kyle was at that age. 'Oh, shit. He'll be hangin' around her like a love sick colt. Wait! He's away at boot camp, isn't he.'

"I hope you don't mind me askin', but how old are you?"

Gwyn gave him a heart stopping smile. "Don' mind at'all. I'll be twenty-two in two weeks. I started CNA classes a few months after gettin' my certification in cosmetology."

'Cosmetology? She must be jokin'.' Interested, he pulled out a chair for her and waited. "Why? Decide you didn't like fixin' hair an' faces after all? Did ya change your mind?"

Gwyn took the offered seat and crossed her legs. "No. I learned dat most patients an' residents can't get out ta get deir hair, an' nails done. So it hit me. As soon as I graduated high school I jumped inta cosmetology school an' den CNA classes."

He nodded beginning to understand. She was passionate about helping others.

"See, my plan was, dat I could help dose unable ta get out o' bed. Dose dat want makeup, nails, an'/or their hair done. There are so many in nursing homes, an' residential homes dat don't get de care dey need or want. Dose little extras dat make a person feel good."

Bear shook himself, "So what was the cuss word. You just seemed to suddenly get pissed off." He pointed a finger at her, "Don't tell me you didn't."

Gwyn sighed, "Sorry. It's jus' dat my Clinicals were de five worst days of my life. On my first day I found my great aunt in dat home. None of us knew." Tears came to her eyes. "I was already so nervous, an' ta...."

Feeling awkward now Bear moved a little closer. "That must have been a shock, but this past week I've seen how tough you are. So I'm guessin' you didn't let it beat ya down."

Before she could answer the oven buzzer went off and she jumped up to check the rolls. Changing the subject as she poured icing onto the cinnamon rolls she said. "You can't by any chance tell me where a good, close gym is, can ya?"

"A gym? Why?"

"I'm used ta workin' out three times a week fo' a few hours. De physical exercise feels good, an' it allows me ta blow off steam. I also had a couple o' injuries in high school an' I need ta regularly work out ta keep my strength up."

He lifted his scared brow and thought for a moment. There were a few that he knew of....his mind stomped down on that thought. The thought of other men watching her work up a sweat....nope. 'Not gonna happen!'

Before he could stop himself he said, "Why not use mine? I need a workout partner any way, and could use the company."

Gwyn poured him a glass of juice and plated up a few rolls, ham and eggs for him. "I....don't....know. I mean....I don't want ta invade your space."

"Look, we would both benefit. I would get a spotter, and you could workout. Butte is a couple hours drive from here and I have a ready made gym right here."

She looked conflicted, but he could tell she was caving. "Do ya really want ta waste all dat gas an' time away from de ranch?" He said, mimicking her Cajun accent.

She smiled, "No. Alright den, merci beaucoup."

"Good. I workout every morning, so you can join me when ever you're ready."


Bear sat on his AB pro and watched as his CNA (off duty) worked out on the long pull weight press. He grinned as he watched those fine arms and legs. This was the best idea he'd ever had, offering his weight room for her own uses.

This was also a great way to get to know her. He draped a towel around his neck and was about to move to his chair when his sister knocked on the door.

"Sorry, to interrupt. May I come in?"

Gwyn smiled and took a break from her workout. "Bonjour, Koni!"

Bear nodded and moved himself into the wheelchair and rolled to his flat bench. "To what do I owe this pleasure?"

The Sheriff sighed, "I'm here on business."

Gwyn removed the earphones from her ears and took a deep swallow of water. Then both she and Bear looked at one another, then back to the Sheriff.

"I'll give ya some privacy," and got up to leave. The Sheriff shook her head.

"That's not necessary."

"Talk, Koni." Bear said seriously, and moved onto the flat bench and lay back. Gwyn jumped up and readied herself as his spotter.

"This is a hundred and fifty pounds Miss CNA. Think you can handle it?"

She glared down at him. "I can handle anythin' you can dish out Bear man! I help you get around everyday, and you weigh twice that!" She snapped as he lifted the bar trying hard not to laugh, and began.

The young CNA smiled over at Koni. "So what happened? Or are we allowed to know?"

Koni tried hard not to laugh. Beau's oldest daughters Ava and Kaylee had been talking about how funny it was that Gwyn was able to hold her own against the big, bad former Ranger.

"Someone broke into the Clinic last night."

Bear froze midlift then returned the bar and sat up. "Did you say....broke in?" He winced as he moved his bad leg.

Gwyn sat next to him at Koni's nod and shivered. "Was anythin' taken?"

"That's the strange thing. Only one item was taken that they can tell."

"Koni, what was it?" Bear had a bad feeling about this.

Sigh, "You know that Brett's office is right off of Rowdy's, and Nico shares Brett's."

"Yes, would you get to the point?" The former-Deputy was getting annoyed with his sister's skirting the answer.

"Nico kept a picture of him and Gwyn on the desk. It's gone, the only thing taken."

"Dat's....bizarre an' jest....scarey." Gwyn said shivering and looking as upset as she felt.

Koni was surprised as Bear put one huge hand on Gwyn's shoulder, an unconscious show of support. She doubted he was even aware of it. But she was, her brother was coming back.

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