Chapter Three

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**** Gwyn watched as Bear went through his physical therapy routine. He was able to stand now and as his leg gained in strength and control he was beginning to walk, slowly but surely. He held tightly to the safety bars that were on either side of him. One of the ranch's new physical therapists walked beside him.

"You're doing great, Lieutenant." He said.

Bear painstakingly turned around and retraced his steps. The longer the walk, the slower he moved and expended more effort. He made it back and lowered himself into the chair and sighed with relief. How he hated this, he wanted his strength back, he wanted to run, not toddle along with these baby steps. The strength in his back was progressing much faster than his leg, why couldn't it catch up?

Gwyn joined the two men and handed Bear a bottle of water and towel and smiled at the Therapist.

"You made de full distance taday - both ways." She remarked to Bear, then asked the therapist, "Are you sure he's ready ta be pushing it like dat?"

Bear shook his head in annoyance, and made sure she saw. "He is sittin' right here and I made it didn't I?" He glowered at her.

Connor Bates smiled, "He did make it further today. If he's too sore or tired tomorrow then we'll know that his body isn't ready yet. But, he didn't have to stop and rest, he kept it going. That's either a sign that he is regaining his strength sooner than expected or he's just that stubborn. His back and that leg will need a good rub down and soak tonight." He grinned. "Miss Gwyn, make sure he at least ices the leg down once you get back."

"I will." She smiled and turned to Bear. "You don't t'ink you pushed it jus' a li'l bit today?"

"Hell no." Bear popped two pain pills in his mouth and swallowed. "If I had, my CNA would make herself an even bigger pain in the ass."

Gwyn laughed, "Darn right she would. Now....lets get back an' get you in de whirlpool."

He grinned, "Just what I've always wanted. A young woman willin' to give me a bath."

He shook his head, "If ya don't mind. I'm not sure I'm ready to jump into that serious of a relationship yet. Let's just leave it at the baths for now."

Gwyn blushed. "Ha....ha....ha! Not funny. It's part o' my job, Bear Man. Besides you wear swimmin' trunks, an' can give yourself a bath.... as far as I know."

She smirked at him as they headed for home. Just as they reached the door Bear stopped his chair and spun around to look across at the Therapy Clinic. He sat absolutely still, only his eyes moved. They searched the line of the building, doorways, windows and beyond.

"What's wrong?" She asked, looking around now too. His body language and demeanor screamed danger and alarmed her. She knew from her brother's SEAL days that a soldier developed a sixth sense they learned to pay attention to it, they lived by it. So she would listen to it as well.

The now disabled vet studied the area again and shook his head. "I feel like we're bein' watched. Must be my imagination."

But, he wasn't, and made a mental note to call Rowdy. He hadn't been totally honest with her. He felt that someone's eyes had been specifically on his little CNA. What's more, there was a malicious intent behind that studying gaze. He would have to keep his eyes and ears open. His little CNA was strong and smart, but young and a little naive.


Up on the office level of the therapy clinic someone stood in the shadows. He smiled as he watched Gwyn's every move. She was so beautiful, tiny, but strong. She was perfect.

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