Chapter Sixteen

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**** The three were enjoying a well deserved rest when Nico's phone rang. The smile at seeing his wife's picture disappeared as he listened and visibly paled.

It was Trish. Genny was being transported by helo to the hospital where her Obstitrician was waiting.

"Genny's gone into premature labor, Nico. She's working hard to hide it but she's scared. She was strolling through her herb garden and bent down to pinch a basil bush when the first pain hit. "

Nico closed his eyes, "Tell me de truth, Trish. Is she ok? Are de babies ok?"

Upon hearing his side of the conversation Gwyn led him to his SUV and Bear got behind the wheel.

"I won't lie to you, Nico. We were able to stabilize her enough to transport but it was hard. Her blood pressure and heart rate was up and the babies were showing signs of distress. You need to be here."

"Give her my love and tell her I'm on my way. I'll catch the first flight available."

"Don't worry about getting a plane, Beau and Rowdy are already enroute to the airport in the ranch plane. She needs you, Nico. She's scared."

"Tell her ta hang on I'll be dere as soon as I can an' I love her. An' Trish....thank you."

"We're family, Nico. That's what we do. She's in good hands, we'll take care of her till you get here."

Nico remembered turning to Uncle Jasper and the huge gator. The older man gave him a hard hug and pushed him into the back seat of the vehicle.

"Go on boy. I'll take care o' da gata, you give dat girl a hug fo' us an' take care o' yo' fam'ly. God be wich ya boy, we'll get hold o' de congregation an' get a prayer chain goin'."

Nico jumped in the back seat, Bear hit the gas and they burned the road up getting back to house boat where Aunt Zinny awaited them. Each planned to pack as much as possible in as little time as necessary.

When Bear pulled up in the driveway the older woman was placing suitcases and backpacks on the porch.

She yelled as they stepped out of the truck. "Unless you all want more dan you brung, I done got you all packed."

Nico just stared at her, "Why did you....?"

"Why are you wastin' time, son? Yo' woman needs you wit' her, let's go! De cards tole me dat yo' babies be wantin' ta come too soon. So while you wus shovin' dat big gata down Jaspa's throat I packed all de clothes, an' all dat fancy equipment I seen you and Bear using. But, it won't hurt my feelin's none if you wanna double check."

The three double checked the house and retreived the extra weapons and various documentation from the wall and gun safe and were locking the door in a matter of minutes.

* * * * *

"Gwyn! Oh my God, there she is!" Conner breathed from the edge of the swamp. "Wait!" Don't go - you can't take her - she belongs to me!" He yelled as he swept the spanish moss out of the way and scrambled through the vines and grass.

Juan and Ramone stood staring at Gwyn in the rented suv as it sped down the gravel driveway. They looked at each other in shock and then at Conner as he tried to catch the subject of his obsession. It was falling apart! The plan, so carefully devised was falling apart!

"Where are they going?" Ramone demanded grabbing Juan by the collar and shaking him. "You said it would end here!"

Juan shook himself free and backed away from the furious man. "How am I supposed to know? They found the bugs! Something must have happened at the ranch and they have to go back."

"Come back! Come back my sweet!" Conner was running after the vehicle waving his arms, then throwing rocks that never reached the mark.

"We'd better get him and rethink our plans. He'll be twice as hard to handle now." Ramone grumbled and grabbed Juan's arm wide eyed as Conner began throwing rocks at the houseboat. The sound of broken glass blended with the distraught man's cursing.

Juan took his handgun from the holster and started for the house. "I'm done playin' nurse maid to that psycho. Besides," he smiled at his shocked partner, "If he's dead they'll ease up the safeguards believing the threat to Gwyn is over, making it easier for us to get her once and for all."

Ramone heard the sounds of furniture, windows, pictures and household items being broken. Suddenly there was a scream, "Ramone!"

A shot rang followed by another scream, a second shot and then....silence. Ramone froze, afraid to move. The breath caught in his throat when Conner stumbled through the back door holding his arm. He wiped a handgun with a towel and threw it far into the middle of the water the house boat was moored in. He turned toward Ramone with a determined look.

"I am going to get packed, get the wolf, and go home so I can finish this. If you are going with me, it will be with the understanding that Gwyn is mine." He snarled with a look in his eye that was frightening.

"Uh, yeah." Ramone swallowed and nodded. "Whatever you say, the mist and voices was his idea not mine."

The two men melted into the swamp and back to the rented house that had been home for the past weeks.

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