Chapter Seven

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**** Bear pulled the walkie from his belt and quietly gave Nico their location and a report of the shooting.

"Is da li'l gata bait ok?" The big brother asked after his younger sibling.

"Any idea who da shoota is?"

"None. No warning, no  accusations, nothin'. Could it be our man?" Bear asked.

"Well, I imagine he knows we are from de swamp. He could a picked up whut part jus' by talkin' ta anybody that knows us at de ranch....he'd be eitha real stupid or real desperate ta try navigatin' de swamp by hisself wit'out a guide though."

"Oh great!" Gwyn growled, throwing her hands up and made a grab at the walkie. "So he's sayin' we either have a crazy person or a freakin' idiot shootin' at us? Dat's real comfortin' bro. I feel sooo much betta now." She glowered at Bear.

Bear chuckled, keeping the walkie out of her reach by simply holding his long arm up and grinning. He was glad she was angry with her brother and not him. He didn't relish having to dodge a gator, even if it was a hatchling.

"She's fine but if I were you....I'd check my shower and bed for creepy crawly things before jumping in for a while."

Nico grimaced, not so glad now to have put in some brotherly teasing. It wouldn't be the first time he had found a baby allegator in his bed or shower. He had yet to figure out how and when she carried out her vendetta. Gators were dangerous any time but a female with hatchlings was particularly so. He cringed to think of the chances she had taken. He'd rather face a psychopathic felon than an angry little sister with a baby gator....Anytime.

"Jus' sit tight bro, help is on da way. We've already been notified of a shootin' by an unknown in de swamp by a friend. He an' his brotha are closin' on 'im as we speak. Take care o' my sista."

"Will do." Bear answered, grinning as Gwyn rolled her eyes again.

"Any idea who he's talkin' about, baby?"

Gwyn frowned as she thought.

"We have a lotta good friends in da bayou. Strangas stand out, 'specially if dey're totin' a gun."

Suddenly, the air was filled with the sound of screaming and thrashing, then yelling and gunfire.

Gwyn sat glued to her seat and cringed at the sounds. Bear immediately placed his body in front of her, his attention toward the sounds and weapon ready.

"You'll ok ova dere, Bear?" Nico called.

"We're fine, what did you find? Save anything for me?"

Gwyn gasped and stared at Bear's wide back.

"Save anythin' fo'....? What de heck is dat supposed ta mean?"

He turn an innocent face to her, "Why, I didn't mean anyt'in' sweet cheeks." He said trying not to smile.

"I just hate being left outa of the fun, that's all."

Gwyn threw her hands up in the air and roled her eyes.

All trace of teasing was wiped from the big man's face when he heard the sounds of something heavy moving toward them. Again, he used his body as a shield and held his weapon steady.

"It's ok bro, only us an' our li'l friend"

Nico said as he walked out of the swamp holding the collar of an angry, belligerent young man.

Gwyn gasped, "Leo! What are ya doin' out here?"

"Issat who this is?" Nico asked.

"Leo Pickins?"

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