Chapter Six

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**** He looked around with a contented sigh and admired his handy work. Her room was trashed. Oh, he'd had a grand time. Paper, books, clothes were everywhere. He had turned her bed over, and ripped the sheets to shreds after fantasizing being with her. He had turned her desk over and tore the chair to pieces. The drawers had been ripped out of the desk, and beaten to pieces. He had thoroughly enjoyed soiling the clothing in the drawers. He left them stomped, stained, cut up and torn.

He put his hand in his coat pocket and fingered the soft, silky material of the matching bra and panty set. He closed his eyes and visualized how she would look in them as she modeled them for him.

Feeling contented with his efforts, he completed the room by spray painting a message on her wall in blood red.

'Mine!' He had written. 'You are mine! You belong to ME!'

He stepped back to enjoy his masterpiece, sighed happily and smiled. She'll pay attention now, this should have made the message loud and clear.

        *    *    *    *    *    *    *    *        

Kassi and Gwyn walked into the living room with the large pizza. Bear and Rowdy had flown to Butte for the day. They were meeting with a specialist in prosthetics, exploring the possibility of a knee replacement. It promised to be a long, tedious day and Gwyn deserved a day off. So she and her best friend decided on a relaxed night at home with pizza and a couple of their favorite movies.

Kas grabbed some sodas, napkins and paper plates while Gwyn ran to her room for what Bear called Chick Flicks.

Kassi was setting up the DVD player when she heard a blood curdling stream of furious, frightened Cajun French erupt from the back. There was the sound of flesh hitting flesh and Gwyn's voice stopped in mid Cajun curse. Panicked, Kassi ran to find out what had happened and stopped dead in her tracks. Gwyn lay prone on the floor in the middle of her room. All around her, the room was in a shambles.

Kassi grabbed her cell phone and called her brother Brett, whose house was the closest. While she waited for him to pick up, Kas checked Gwyn for a pulse. It was strong and steady, but she was white as a sheet and out cold. Her left eye and cheek were already swelling and bruising.

"Brett here."

"Brett, thank God!"

"Kassi? What...."

"Brett, I'm at Bear's! Someone broke in and trashed Gwyn's room and attacked her, and I have a really bad fe...."

Brett could hear her yell not only through the phone, but across the field as well.



Kassi screamed her brother's name as a man lunged out of the closet. He was tall and slim, and dressed all in black, including a ski mask. He may have been tall, and strong, but he didn't have her years of training and experience in self defence.

With a spin kick, she forced him to go on the defensive, allowing her the opportunity to get between him and Gwyn, she would not allow him to harm her friend any more. She took a fighting stance and pulled a collapsible baton from her pocket and snapped it to full length. The attacker must have realized that she was well versed in the martial arts. He took a step toward her and growled through gritted teeth, "She's mine! She belongs to me and NONE OF YOU WILL KEEP US APART!!" and thumped his chest dramatically. He turned and jumped through the window and melted into the night.

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