Chapter twenty one

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**** "I'm thinking by the look on everyone's faces that you've told the ladies the latest." Beau said as he placed a kiss on his sister's forhead.

"Yes, but I seem ta have only muddied de watas." Nico lamented.

Bear enclosed Gwyn in his huge arms. "I don' undastand what is goin' on." She complained.

Sheriff Koni stepped forward, "While some things do appear to be a little more confusing, others seem to be making more sense. For instance, Juan and Conner apparently joined forces, at what point we don't know. We do know that Juan did not like taking orders from anyone. So apparently he and Conner came to blows ay your houseboat and Conner came out on top."

Bear shook his head, "Juan was a tough guy, strong, hard, capable. It would have taken a guy just as strong and capable to get the best of him, unless he was taken by surprise."

The Sheriff nodded, "Yes, and that makes this man even more dangerous. While Juan wasn't all that bright, he was exceptionally cunning, sly and secretive. He was good at strategic planning and was good at seeing weaknesses in others that he could take advantage of. He was a bully and loved to intimidate. There were numerous complaints about him abusing prisoners but never any proof I could act on."

Beau stepped in then, "If there is another timber wolf, Juan would have had it. He and his father, José  brought the strain here....bred 'em, raised 'em, trained 'em. They were used as a tool....a very deadly tool.

Genny shivered and rubbed her arms to ward off the chill and memories. "It was one of the timber wolves that attacked Rowdy and almost killed him."

Beau nodded, "That's not a sight I would wish on my worst enemy. They were bred for viciousness, strength, endurance and a blood lust that was chilling. They were kept hungry and...." he shook his head not wanting to go further.

"But, isn't your Hope one of them?" Gwyn asked, confused.

"She is. I found her one night during a blizzard. Rodriguez had literally thrown her away. She wasn't vicious, didn't seem to have the blood lust and was smaller, gentler than the others. It's actually a wonder he hadn't used her as a bait dog."

"Oh, dat's aweful ta even t'ink dat. I hate dog fightin'."

"Me too. Anyway," he said rubbing the back if his neck and walking the length of the room, "I found 'er snuggled up next to a half frozen calf. They were keepin' each other alive. I got 'em out and took 'em to one of the range cabins where I holed up for a while. Drina found us while we were still caught in the snow and took care of all three of us. I had come down with the flu...without her, I wouldn't have made it to Christmas mornin'."

"'re thinking that this wolf might be one of those?" She asked looking between Beau and Sheriff Koni.

"I think it's too much of a coincidence for so many factors to be together and it not be planned." The Sheriff explained. "Why they wanted you to doubt your sanity is beyond me unless Bates thought it would make it easier to get hold of you. Anyway, I don't see how we can omit any part of the puzzle.

Suddenly, a male nurse rushed into the room. "Sheriff you have an emergency phone call at the nurses station."

The three men looked at each other when the Sheriff left. Bear said, "Koni had her walkie on her belt, the radio on her shoulder and she always has her cell phone."

Nico walked quietly toward the door, "I was tinkin' de same ting. Odd the department would call the nurses station when they could a got her directly or had the call transferred here." He opened the door a crack and peaked into the hall.

Koni came back in the room, frowning. "Well that was a waste of time."

"We were just talking about that. Did someone want you out of here or perhaps down at the nurses station for some reason?"

"Another coincidence?" The Sheriff wondered. She used her cell phone to call her dispatcher while Beau called Yancy to check on the ranch.

"Ya know, I'm thinkin' it might not be a bad idea to move Genny and the boys to the ranch. There's a couple rooms we keep ready for specialized nursing. We could have an isolette for the twins and a couple neonatal nurses for round the clock care. Genny would surely be more comfortable there than in the hospital and there's plenty of people who would love nothing more than to help take care of her and the boys. Rowdy and Trish are both doctors and they would keep in touch with the Pediatrician and Obstitrician daily. Shoot, Gwyn could help Genny with exercises to help her gain strength. All at the ranch. It'd be a lot easier to provide security there than here."

He looked at each person for their opinion.

"I would much rather be home than here and I'd love the chance to spend time and get to know Gwyn better."

"You haven't said Bear, if the cabin was ready or not." Gwyn looked at the huge dark man.

"It looks as good or better than it did before. They even added a couple rooms and a wrap around porch. All ready for you to move back in." He said caressing her cheek and holding her against his side.

Nico rubbed the back of his neck. "It's a great idea, but I'm not sure how we could afford all dat."

Beau looked Nico directly. "This would be in Genny and the boys best interests man. You're all family....the ranch takes care of family whether by blood or friendship. We did much the same with Drina and the babies. Sure made it easier on me to see my family any time during the day. Check on em when I wanted, steal a candlelight dinner knowing the babies were taken care of." He saw Nico was wavering.

"Look, you've helped this family out by watchin' Brett's back before we ever even met you. Let us give some of that back, besides we're talking about my little sister and nephews."

The agent looked at his wife and the mother of his infant sons. "So, what do we do ta arrange all dis?"

"Yea!" Genny started to dance around on her bed until the incision reminded her to be still. "Oh! That wasn't a good idea." She straightened slowly, raised one fist in the air gently and softly said "Yea!" To a room full of relieved laughter.

Beau chuckled, "You just leave that to me and the doctors."

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