Chapter Twenty

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"Dey're both so beautiful! I know you're not supposed ta say dat 'bout boys but....dey're jus' so much more dan handsome." Gwyn murmured in a hushed voice.

"I totally agree, I believe they are the most beautiful babies in the entire nursery." Genny said proudly as she leaned on her husband's shoulder. He was sitting on her bed, holding one of the twins and was completely mesmerized by the tiny hand that held tight to his finger.

Just then the doctor knocked and came in with the pediatrician. She pulled something out of the pocket of her jacket.

"I need to give you this before I forget. It was left at the nurses station. One of the nurses noticed it after Bear left and they're swamped right now so I volunteered to be mail/cupid of the day."

Gwyn was torn between taking the gift wrapped box and putting her nephew down. She looked so crestfallen that Genny held her hand out and put the box on her bed.

"You can see what the Bear man left you when you've had enough of my men."


Thirty minutes later....

"Oooooh, they're beautiful." Ginny crooned as the two women looked at earrings. Clearly one of a kind, the stones caught the light streaming in through the window.

"I don' know when he would have had time ta get dem." The big man's fiance said in awe. "Dey are de most beautiful pair of earrings I've eva owned."

"I think I rememba Brett tellin' me 'bout some places on de res dat have nat'ral stones dat can be mined and used as "finder" sees fit. I tink sev'ral of the tribal artisans use dem in the jewelry dey make."

The lovely stones shined and glistened through the delicate silver wire.

"I don' know how dey make de shapes de vera same ev'ry time. Der amazin'."

He was right. Delicate silver wire had been woven into a perfect teardrop and several natural stones caught the light as Gwyn turned her head.

She looked closer in the mirror. "Ya know, it almost looks like dere's somethin' in de middle, de stones kind o' swirl 'round it like. I can't wait ta show 'im how dey look. I may neva take 'em off."

Nico paced around the room when the nurse took the babies back to the nursery. Both women waited, knowing something was in his mind.

He cleared his throat. "Ya both know dat I got a call a while ago."

The women waited, trying to be patient, trying harder not to worry at the expression on his face.

He took a deep breath as if gathering his thoughts. "It was de Sheriff, afta we left someone broke inta de houseboat an' totally trashed de place. It'll have ta be completely gutted if we rehab it all."

He rubbed the back of his neck knowing he was giving away his concern.

"What else is dere? Jus' spit it out, Nico. Quit chewin' on it and get it out." Gwyn stated, hands on her hips as Genny nodded her ageeement and took his hand in hers.

"Ok den. Dey found a dead man in one o' de bedrooms. He'd been worked ova an' shot. No weapon has been found....he's been identified as Juan Rodriguez."

Both women stared at him, silent for once.

"He's....he's...." Genny had lost her coloring comletely. Huge eyes looked at her husband.

"I know bébé, I know. You don't need ta worry about him eva again."

"But....what was he doing there? What business did he have there?"

"I don' know bébé but it's beginnin' to click some in my head. Some things are comin' tagetha now."

"Ok. Good." Gwyn said frustrated. "How 'bout sharin' some 'o dat wit me? What tings?"

Genny took Gwyn's hand. Juan was the son of the bastard my mother married. I don't like to even think about him being my father but....biologically he was. We didn't know of any relationship between Juan and José for a long time. He was a deputy and ran for Sheriff against Sheriff Koni. He didn't take losing well and losing to woman even worse."

"Ok. Dat makes sense but what does dat....?" Over the next half hour Genny and Nico filled Gwyn in on the Rodriguez men and the damage they had done to the family.

"Ok, so I get all dat. I'm sorry you all went through all dat with de scumbags. But it don' explain why he was dere, unless...." she looked at her brother. "Unless you are holdin' something back. Dang it, Nico! Spit it out! Quit holdin' back."

"Dere was anotha set 'o prints dat haven't been identified as yet. Dere were also some tracks' some fur."

Gwyn stared at her brother, her eyes huge. "Dey found wolf tracks didn't dey, Nico? Wolf tracks and white fur."

Gwyn jumped up and down and danced around the room and laughed.

"I'm right, I'm right." She poked her finger in her brother's chest. "I told you I saw a white wolf didn't I! I knew it - I knew it!" She danced around the room and pummled her fist in the air and at an invisible boxer as she laughed in utter delight.

"Why do you look so worried? I'm not losin' my mind!"

"Honey chile, I neva thought fo' a minute you were. Dere was jus' nothin' ta back up your sightings. An' yes, I'm worried. He was a dangerous man, it took a lot to get the betta of him an' we don't know what he was doin' dere."

Genny spoke up, "It can't be a coincidence that he was there at that time when Nico and Bear had taken you there for safety sake."

"You mean, you t'ink he was the one that kept sneakin' inta de house, leaving dose gifts fo' me an' den wrecked my room?" She was aghast at the thought.

"No bébé. We know dat was Conner, de physical therapist dat kept doin' puppy dog eyes at you when Bear wusn't lookin'."

"So, you're sayin' dere's a link between de two?"

"It's lookin' dat way. We jus'..."

Just then the agent's cellphone vibrated and rang. He held up a finger and answered.

"De lab is sure? Yeah, yeah I didn't mean ta doubt dere professionalism. It's jus'....yeah I know. Dere's no sign of....of any of 'em? Ok. T'ank you, please keep me in de loop. Yeah, you too Sheriff. No, no dat'd ok, I'll let 'em know."

Nico slipped the phone back in his pocket, utilizing the time to gather his thoughts.

"Well," he said facing the two women again. "The otha prints in de house have been identified as Conner Bates an' the animal prints an' fur is dat of a white wolf, but not a typical wolf. It's a different species somehow."

"A timber wolf." Genny whispered, putting a hand to her throat. "I thought they had been killed off...all except for Hope."

"Wait a minute!" Gwyn began pacing. "You're sayin' dat de jerk dat messed up my room, kept sneakin' into de house was in de swamp workin' wit dis Juan guy? An' dat it looks like he killed this Juan who was a dangerous enough guy dat he worried everybody at de ranch an' de sheriff's office?"

'Knock, knock, knock.' The door opened and Bear, Beau and Sheriff Koni came into the room.

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