Chapter Nineteen

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**** "They're not here yet, the FBI agent's wife is having their baby sooner than they expected. Blanton flew the copter right to the hospital and they're all still there." Ramone related as he climbed back into the truck and snapped the seatbelt.

"They're all at the hospital? The indian too?"

"Yeah, don't know how long he'll be there though. The agent is the girl's brother so she'll probably stay till the babies are born and he's totally gone on her. He'll probably stay as long as she does."

"Yeah. He's not been leavin' her side much. He's spending time with her that belongs to me - she belongs to me." Conner said through gritted teeth as he clutched the steering wheel until his knuckles turned white.

Ramone looked at him, and couldn't help but be worried. The old Conner, the wacked out nut case that had to be told what to do and when to do it was bad enough...but this guy. This guy was just scarey. He had killed Juan and come out of the house a different man. A thinking man, a man that wasn't going to be easily manipulated or thwarted. Maybe he'd try a different approach.

"Yeah, but think about it buddy... that gives us time to p-lan and str-ati-gize." Conner looked at him for a minute, then grinned and rubbed his hands together before starting the engine.

"You may be right my friend, let's take advantage of that time.


Bear wrapped his arms around Gwyn from behind as she admired her newborn nephews through the nursery window.

"How's Genny doing?" he asked and kissed her neck before resting his chin on her head.

"She's in de recovery room. Nico said she's startin' ta get feelin' back in 'er legs. De doctor said as soon as she can get inta a wheelchair she can go ta de nursery an' see if de babies will nurse again. She also wants Genny ta get on her feet an' start walkin' a li'l tomorra and graduate to walkin' to de nursery ta feed 'em."

"Tomorrow? Isn't that awfully soon?"

"They've found dat, dey want a new motha ta get out o' bed an' at least walk to de bathroom an' 'round de room, even if only around de bed. Dey don' want C-section patients ta lay in bed fo' days. It's healthier fo' 'er, she gets her strength back more quickly an' reduces de chances o' blood clots."

"I didn't realize that. I would think that would be awfully painful." Bear said thoughtfully.

"I imagine so, a c-section is a maja surgery. Genny's a tough cookie though, she's been lookin' forward ta dese li'l ones fo' a looong time an' nothin' is goin' ta stop her from holdin' an' feedin' dose babies." She said confidently as she snuggled into Bear's arms and smiled at her nephews.

"Ummm, we need to talk baby." Bear said quietly, turning Gwyn to face him. "Can we go down to the cafeteria for some coffee and pie?"

She looked into his beautiful, dark brown eyes and smiled.

"You're wantin' ta go back ta de ranch an, make sure all de clean up an' repair work is finished on your cabin." She guessed as they walked hand in hand to the elevator. She noticed that he was putting less weight on the cane and his normal gait was returning.

He shook his head and smiled, "My grandmother is gonna love you. You read me as well as she does." He shook his head in mock sorrow. "Between the two of you, I'm not gonna dtand a chance."

Gwyn chuckled, "Dere's nothin' ta guess 'bout, Bear man." She said hugging his arm. "We left in an awful hurry an' de worka's hadn't even got started yet. It only makes sense dat you would want ta see how de place is. Besides, you figger dat Nico is here an' men from de fam'ly will be comin' in wit' deir wives ta see Gen an' 'de babies so I won' be alone an' unprotected. ' won' be stayin' away long anyways."

Bear couldn't help but grin. "You are amazing little swamp lady." He said running a carressing finger down her face.

"I also want to check in on my grandmother. I haven't seen her in a while and I don't normally go so long between visits."

"Tell 'er I said 'Hi' an' dat I love her grandson very much. I tink Aunt Zinny would like to meet your grandma. Dey have a lot in common. You brave enough fo dat Bear man?"


Beau and Rowdy set the suitcases and duffle bags down in Bear's bedroom.

"The place looks great, Beau. I appreciate you cutting some of the guys lose to put the place back together for me, let alone adding the extra rooms." Bear said, looking around at the excellant repair work that had been done in his absence.

"We were all glad to do it, just sorry that it had to be done and it won't be you alone any longer. Youvll need the extra rooms or a biggee house. I like you here."

"Bear, I can't tell you how sorry I am about all this. I don't understand how our background check missed Bates with a history like that."

Bear shook his head. "Don't Beau, I know things like this happen occasionally. He's good, sixk but good."

"We beefed up the security around the house when we knew you were comin' back. We don't want to take any chances with Gwyn's safety since he hasn't been caught."

"Thank you, I don't want to either. I'd like...."

'Ring, ring....ring, ring.'

"Nico? Is Gwyn....? What? When? That means....? Yeah, yeah I'll tell 'em, they're both still here. Ok, I know....keep Gwyn with you until I get back to get her, ok? Yeah, yeah, thanks man."

The big man took a big breath that threatened the buttons of his shirt, then looked at the two other men.

"Well, as you probably guessed, that was, Nico. He just got a call from the Sheriff in Louisiana. Someone called in and reported strange sounds and shots fired comin' from his houseboat after we left."

Beau and Rowdy shared a look between themselves and then with Bear.

"The place had been broken into and was completely trashed. They found a man in the bedroom Gwyn used. A dead man. Shot. He's been identified as Juan Rodriguez."

All three men stood in silence for a minute as they digested the information.

"Are we ever gonna be done with this?" Beau asked. "There was no evidence of who might have shot him?"

"The investigation is ongoin'. They found several sets of prints that have been sent to the police lab and Nico will let us know as soon as he hears anything....Once they identify ours they can concentrate on the unknown."

"What else? " Rowdy asked.

"They found tracks...and fur - white fur near the houseboat. They are being looked at as well."

"Curiouser and curiouser." Beau mentioned softly. "Didn't you say that Gwyn...?

"Swore she saw a white wolf similar to Hope. Yeah, but we could never find any proof, she was the only one that ever saw it. Once we found the high tech devices hidden in her room there were no other incidents involving the wolf."

"Looks like it's been found." Rowdy said.

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