Chapter 3: Dream in Progress

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While Micah was in the car, he was on his way to what will soon become his new restaurant. He went there with a pleasant smile on his eager face. He will never forget the day when he brought that building, when it officially became his, and when he ran home to tell Mariana the good news. She was equally as joyful, and instantly made him his favorite dish as a celebration and a weekend night-out.

When he arrived, before getting out, he naturally wanted to give Mariana a brief call to brighten her day and put a smile on her face because that was a nice thing to receive in the morning.

His fingers dialed her work number and then placed it against his ear, listening to that little beep, and then a beam of joyous excitement rushed through him when she picked up. It felt like he was a kid typically getting his favorite candy.

Even though they weren't together, Micah could picture her glittering eyes gazing confusingly at the phone, and the sunlight glazing over her skin softly, making her cheeks sparkle like sprinkles, wondering who it was that called her at this time. But little did she know.

"Hey Mariana, it's me."

"Micah! How did you get this number?"
Her voice went high as she was surprised, and it was practically like he could see that cute face coming closer to the phone, hand over the speaker, trying to hide her conversation as if they were in a secret relationship.

"You gave it to me a few weeks ago, remember?"

"Oh yeah..." Her gentle voice faded out as gradual realization faded in.

He started laughing at how clueless she sounded. Right now, her radiant face would've been lifting to the sun, suckling in the sweet rays like it was honey, and her mouth hung slightly open. He just wanted to cup it and tenderly kiss her sweet, adorable face.

"Anyway, I just wanted to say I love you, and I hope you have a good day, and I can't wait to see you when I come."

"Aw thanks, I love you and I hope you have a good day too. I would've also sent kisses but I don't want anyone to hear that," she giggled.

"Okay I'll just send you some." He kissed her through the phone and ended the call, slipping it back into his pocket and parked came out of his car.

The building he brought stood almost ready in front of him. For now, the outside was plain and boresome. The banner on top was peeling off like old wallpaper, but all that will soon change, as he planned on painting with Mariana and the kids when it was completed. Of course, he naturally wanted them to be a part of his lifelong dream too.

He strode in, which had walls set up that divided the different areas like a complex maze, builders placing planks of wood down, banging nails into place, and sawing into smaller sizes.

The chief architect, who was leaning on a plank, looked over some drawings with the contractor, project manager, and kitchen designer.

Micah fondly remembered the first time he got them together and started discussing plans for how inside was going to look. He had it completely mapped out in his head like he could see it physically there in front of him.

"Hey everyone," Micah greeted cheerfully.

"Hi Mr.Pérez, did you just arrive?" The contractor, Mr. Martin, asked, looking towards him with a warm smile. His blue shirt stretched across his shirt, showing some outlines.

"Yeah I did."

"Oh alright. Well to give you an update, one section of the flooring has just been completed. So we just have a few more sections left, and then we can begin adding some appliances. We can start with the kitchen if you want," the project manager, Mr. Miller, said and showed Micah his notes.

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