Chapter 10: Breakdown

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Mariana was seated on a little swing bench, talking to Leilani, as she sipped on some rosé champagne. There were vines of sprouting flowers growing around the tall bushes which guarded them from the front of the house.

They watched Elisa and Axel play with Mateo as they kicked a ball to one another. They had chocolate popsicles in their hand since the day was quite hot.

"So, have you got any plans for later?" Leilani asked.

"Well, Micah and I are going to buy food to make something together." She bounced up from her seat in her excitement. When her and Micah made something together, it was so much fun and as it was something they both loved doing.

"Aw that sounds like fun. Miguel and I should do something like that actually," she contemplated, "well I hope you guys have fun, what are you going to make?"

"Well we were just searching up recipes, while having this great idea of combining our countries' foods so we found this dish called Dominican spaghetti. So we're gonna make that and Micah suggest we make a little picnic and then eat it on the beach."

"Ah that's sounds so cool! Send me a picture and let me know how it goes."

"I will!" Mariana chuckled and sipped more of her champagne so it was halfway. "Are you doing anything later yourself?"

"Meh, not really, just going to relax, and maybe Miguel and me will go for a walk with Mateo."

Just then, Micah's car pulled up at their driveway. Mariana noticed this and hastily finished her drink.

"Anyways, Leilani, I'll see you later, Micah's here now to pick us home." She got up and placed her glass down. Her hand wiped her mouth as she let put a big gasp of satisfaction.

"Okay I'll talk to you later Mariana!" Leilani started waving as Mariana approached the kids who were too consumed in their play.

"Elisa, Axel, come on. We are going now," she said and started gathering all their things.

"What..." Elisa froze as she looked speechless, and Axel ran away into the various puddles. He jumped into them and rolled around while giggling.

"Yes come on, daddy is here and we need to buy some things." She quickly picked up Elisa and then chased after Axel who ran away from her. He laughed as his hair sprung around his adorable face.

"Come here Axel!" Mariana exclaimed as she started getting tired.

"Wanna play puddle!" He squealed and jumped into another one.

Mariana groaned as her muscles got pulled with Elisa's weight dragging her down. She was getting more worn out until she had to stop and take a break.

"Micah, come help me out," she called in desperation and puffed like an exhausted cloud.

Micah came out of the car and then helped strap both of them in their car seats. Elisa cried and kicked the chair but her protests were futile as Micah got back into the drivers seat.

He drove as Elisa and Axel were both crying inconsolably in the backseat of the car.

"Do you want your bubble mixer Elisa? You can share it with Axel," Mariana suggested as she turned around. She didn't want a trip to the grocery store to become burdensome because it was one of their favorite things to do.

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