Chapter 38: Thinking

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The next morning, Mariana was stood in front of the mirror. She was buttoning up her shirt but her fingers kept slipping. Her back was crooked and her breathing was heavier. It felt like she had gotten a few minutes of sleep once again.

"Come on..." Mariana grumble as she tried fitting the button in. But her fingers failed her once again as the button just escaped when her eyes briefly closed. She strained to keep them open, but it was hard.

"Mariana," Micah said as he came into the bathroom. He stood behind her and wrapped his arms around her waist. "Why don't you take a day off? Every day your getting more and more exhausted."

"It's okay, I'm fine," Mariana said and got out her mascara. She focused on the mirror and thickened her eyelashes. She brushed it out slowly but ended up poking herself in the eye.

The mascara brush went flying out of her fingers and toppling into the sink. She yawned and picked up to try again.

"Mariana, I really think you should rest. You can't go to work like this."

"I'm fine," she mumbled but continuously rubbed her eyes to try and wake herself up. Her body felt weak and her muscles ached so she leaned on the edge of the sink to steady herself.

Her arms wobbled like jelly and she yawned again. It prolonged more than the others but she splashed water on her face to keep herself awake.

"Mariana come on, stay at home, I—"

"Just leave me alone!" She exclaimed and pushed him away. She clutched her hair, pushed it into her ears to block out any noise while leaning over the sink. She started breathing in slowly and deeply, rocking herself as the door quietly closed behind her.

Her eyes accidentally glanced down to the floor, where she saw Elisa's potty chair. She clenched her teeth with internal pain and squeezed her eyes shut to stop herself from crying. But they found a way as they seeped through, making her weep silently.

I've already failed as a mother. I don't want to fail at my job too...

Her body slumped dropped on the floor like ice cream. The only support was her arm barely hanging onto the sink. She whined out the pain that was trapped in her chest. Her distressing thoughts bite her in the back of her mind like a snake. That she was a failure at everything, that she will never find her kids.

I wish you were here Mom. I need you right now...

She gazed up at the sky with her eyes that were torn with tears. The moon was faintly still visible but sparkled like a precious gem. Before she knew it, the sounds of racing waters were swimming in her ears, as her mind was transported onto the bridge of Ponte Vecchio. The sun melted down the milky horizon. A mixture of pink and purple swirled around like a hurricane in the sky, she in the middle with her parents.

She eagerly jumped her little legs to get a better view of the Arno River. There was a little boat slowly sailing along the crystalized waters that distorted the rippling colors above.

Mariana jumped too high and flopped over the edge like a seal. Her white dress rode up her legs, and she blew raspberries at the sea and kicked her feisty feet. She giggled wildly until her dad picked her up.

"Careful my darling, don't want you falling over," he said.

"Oh." Mariana pouted and looked below. She tried breaking free, but her dad held her tight, which made her whine.

Her mother smiled and tickled under her cheek, making her wiggle away in her father's arms. Robert chuckled and bounced her in the air while his head gazed towards the sky.

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