Chapter 11: Making you Feel Better

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While Mariana chopped some garlic, her mind bobbled and whirled around the incident inside Walmart. She didn't know if she did the right thing with Elisa, or if she could've done something else. Her shouting out of anger made her feel like a bad mother, and this feeling cling onto her like heartache and the sorrows of a cloudy day.

She sighed and suppressed her tears that threatened to surface her depressed face. Maybe just buying her chocolate just this time wouldn't be too bad. But she didn't want her to be on a sugar rush or aggressive when she couldn't give her anymore.

She huffed out as her brain burned by all these thoughts. Then her hand slipped, and she accidentally cut her finger. She yelped and clutched her hand. She started jumping around as the cut seethed into the skin, making blood trickle out. She quickly dipped her hand in water, hoping it would cool her down.

How much worse can this day get?

"Mariana, are you alright?" Micah walked in through the dimly lit door.

"I'm fine, just a little stressed." She tried smiling, but ended up tearing up at the pain that coursed and prickled her veins.

"Did you hurt yourself my angel?" He went behind her and inspected her finger. It was like a beating heart and flared up with redness.

"Yes daddy, I hurt myself." She sulked like a baby.

"Poor thing." He pouted as Mariana shifted uncomfortably while standing.

"Do you want me to fix it for you?" He slowly lifted her chin to face him.

"Yes please," she responded and swayed her body a little.

"Okay, I will help you." He gently took her hand, which stung greatly like shots of pain through her fingertips, and then dried it off before bandaging it.

"How did this happen?" he asked.

"I don't know, I got distracted." She sighed and rested against his broad shoulder. He felt his body heave slowly, and his heat transitioned onto her. She felt safe and comforted as he gently soothed her burns with the paste.

"Why don't you go have a rest, and I'll make dinner?"

"Really, you would do that?"

"Of course, what were you making with the garlic anyway?"

"Um, I was going to use it to make creamy salmon with garlic bread." She shrugged.

"Okay well, I'll just make it. How about you go help Axel with cleaning the mess on the wall he made?"

"He drew on the wall?" she mumbled tiredly.

"Yeah, that's why I was coming in here, to get something for him to clean it with."

"Okay, I'll go sort it out."She took out a bowl and then mixed it with vinegar and water and then grabbed a sponge before transporting it to the living room.

She instantly found Axel hiding behind the couch and the wall used as a canvas. She sighed and slumped over as a yawn escaped her mouth. She didn't realize how worn out she was until she almost passed out when she got down on her knees next to her baby boy.

She snapped her fingers to gain his attention, to which he slowly turned around like he had been caught red-handed. The red crayon was still held hostage in his pudgy hand and his mouth hung open.

"*Come on Axel, give me the crayon," she said sternly in Italian.

He shook his head wildly. "*I don't want..."

"*I said give me the crayon Axel!" she raised her voice, gradually losing her patience as her eyes drooped, and she felt her muscles grow limp.

Axel got startled and eventually placed the crayon inside her palm. She stuffed it into her pocket and sighed while massaging her temples. She didn't mean to get snappy, but maybe it was because she was in desperate need of a goodnight's sleep.

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